Much better

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Chapter 29

I groaned for the millionth time today. I was bored as fuck and really just wanted to get out of the damn house. But no, I wasn't even allowed to so much as move a muscle. Yeah, I was under arrest by my dear husband. You'd think I was busy dying or something.

Summer break was here and the girls had their friends over for the day. It was nice to at least see some other faces. I've been booked off for a week and it was now Thursday. Marshall said he was taking time off from the studio to be with me and watch me but it got too much. I felt a lot better and to be completely honest, I was fine to go back to work. But trying to convince Marshall that was like teaching a rock the alphabet.

Kat had come by a few nights to check on me and of course to see the photo's and hear about the honeymoon. She was so happy for us and seeing our photo's she got more excited to get her own plans going.

Kellie and Mase was here too yesterday. It was nice seeing them, Mason was getting so big and cute now. I just really wish that I could fall pregnant soon. I love kids and really wanted my own.

Although Marshall was home, he was cooped up in his home studio most of the time. He even made me take a blanket sometimes and sit on the couch by him, just so that he can keep and eye on me. It was sweet but come on. I'm a grown ass woman. I can look after myself.

"Kia?" I looked up from the book I was reading and smiled at Hailie. "Can I get you anything?" I frowned at her and then looked behind her to see if I saw her dad.

"Dad your dad send you to check up on me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and Katelyn and Hailie giggled.

"No, we were going to get something to drink and saw you sitting here and thought we'd ask you." Hailie said shrugging.

"I'm fine thanks Hails." I smiled and she nodded her head then turned to walk to the kitchen with Katelyn. I smiled and shook my head then picked my book up again. I don't think I should be reading this book when I'm already so damn horny. Yeah Marshall didn't want to have sex until I was better. He just doesn't understand that his touch drives me insane. I've tried to but he always stops before it gets too far.

"Hey Kia. What are you reading?" Lainie asked as she came to sit on the couch with me. Just then Hailie, Katelyn and Allison walked in with juice boxes. I frowned and pursed my lips at that. If I knew they were getting juice boxes I would have asked for one.

"Oh my word. Is that Fifty Shades Of Grey?" Allison asked as she pointed to the book with huge grin.

"Oh uh yeah it is." I said frowning at her.

"It's such a good book. And damn. Christian Grey is so freaking hot OMG." Lainie said fanning herself. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"You've read it?" I asked her and now it was her turn to looked shocked. She glanced around at all the faces around her and her eyes landed on Hailie's. "You too?" I asked and Hailie gave a guilty smile and nod.

"But please don't tell dad. He'll kill us if he knew." Hailie pleaded and Lainie nodded with the same pleading face. I giggled and shook my head.

"Don't worry girls. Your secrets safe with me. How did you girls read this book though? I mean even I get a little shy about some of the things in the book." I said with a slight blush.

"I know right but it's a good book. I don't care what others say. It's so romantic how she changes him and sweet how he cares for her." Allison said in an awe tone.

"I agree. People judge to fast. So what do you think of it Kia?" Katelyn asked me excited.

"I like it so far. I've just now got to where he takes her to the boat house after she told them she's going to visit her mother. But damn I have to sometime's put the book down and just breath." I said giggling and they all giggled too.

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