All his

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Chapter 12

My body was tangled up sheets and limbs when I woke up the next morning. I looked up to find Marshall still sound asleep, softly snoring. I smiled and as much as I just wanted to cuddle up to him more, I really needed the bathroom. As quietly and slowly as I could, to not disturb him, I untangled myself from him and got up. I grabbed the first shirt I found on the floor and pulled it over my head, turns out it was his shirt and it just about covered my ass.

I turned and smiled down at him as he was laying on his back and the sheets were resting around his hips, leaving his whole upper body completely naked. I bit my lip and tip toed to the bathroom. Once I was done in there, I washed my hands and made my way to the kitchen for something to drink. I kept replaying last night in my head, over and over again.

It was barely after six and I was already up. What the hell was wrong with me? As I poured myself a glass of orange juice I got to thinking. Did Marshall really mean it when he said he loved me or was it just because I said it and he didn't want to hurt my feelings so he said it too? I really hope he meant it, because I did. I was scared though, I've known him for like two weeks now and I was head over fucking heels in love with the guy. And do, it had nothing to do with the fact that he was Eminem, because I wasn't in love with Eminem. I was in love with Marshall Bruce Mathers the third.

"Why are you up so early baby?" Marshall asked against me neck as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. I smiled and leaned into him.

"I was thirsty. Why are you up so early?" I asked as I turned in his arms and cocked an eyebrow at him.

"I woke up and you were gone." He shrugged and leaned in to kiss me as his fingers drew circles on my exposed thighs. "You look so fucking good in nothing but my shirt." I smiled against his lips and blushed a little as he lifted up onto the kitchen counter. "And nothing under" He glanced down then back at me with a smirk. "I approve."

"Do you now?" I asked with raised eyebrows and a smirk of my own as I locked my hands together around his neck. He stepped between my legs and trailed his hand from my knee up my leg on the inside of my thigh. He slowly inserted a finger as he kissed my neck.

"Oh fuck do I." He said as he kissed along my neck and jaw as his finger kept on pumping in and out of me. I was panting now and closed my eyes as his thumb started rubbing circles on me. I let out a soft moan as he pulled back from my neck and crushed our lips together. I pushed my chest against his as he pulled his finger out and picked me up, carrying me to the room as we made out all the while.

Before he laid me down on the bed he pulled his shirt off of me and then kicked off his boxers. He pushed me down on the bed and positioned himself between my legs and oh so slowly pushed in.

And that's pretty much how we spent the whole of Saturday. Only getting up to use the bathroom or to eat something but we somehow managed to make it back to the bed in the end. We would just lay in each others arms and talk and then things will get extremely hot again. I've never spent that many hours in bed with someone before. I was dead tired once night time rolled around.

"I love you baby." He said into my hair and then kissed my head. I smiled and kissed his chest then nuzzled him.

"I love you too." I closed my eyes and drifted off to a very needed sleep. If I walk tomorrow it will be a fucking miracle.

We decided to spend the whole of Sunday at his place so that we can tell the girls and Nate about our relationship status. Getting ready this morning took a little longer than usual since well, since Marshall and I just found it hard to keep our hands off of each other. What can I say? I was in love.

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