Meeting the trippe G's

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Chapter 35

"It looks amazing." I said smiling as I turned on the spot and looked around the room. "Thank you girls." I smiled and gave them each a hug and kiss. The room looked amazing. Like wow. The walls were painted a very light brow making the room feel warm and cozy with the dark wood furniture. Against the far end wall of the room, the three wooden cribs stood. It was Grayson's, Gabriella and then Crace's crib, even had their names in light blue and light pink above their cribs.

They only had two dresser though. Each dresser had three drawers so they each got a drawer for socks and vests, tops and baby grows and pants and shoes. There were two rocking chairs against the right hand side wall with a small table between them. I was in love with the room. I rubbed my huge tummy as I looked at the room.

"I can't for them to finally come." Whitney said excited as she gave me another hug.

"Me too Whit. My back can't handle it anymore. And I think my ribs can't either." I chuckled and the girls rolled their eyes at me. I was currently 8months along and complained a lot about sore ribs and lower back. It was time for these three to finally come already.

"What time is daddy coming home Kia?" Hailie asked me and I shrugged.

"I have no idea Hails. He's been so busy in the studio lately." I said and she nodded with a smile.

"It's good to see him so happy again. But he seriously needs to get his ass home to see this." She added and we all giggled at that.

"Who needs to hurry their ass?" Marshall asked form the door scaring all of us a little. He chuckled as he came in and started to greet us all. He started with Whit then Lainie, Hailie and lastly me. He stood behind me and rubbed my tummy while kissing my cheek.

"So? What do you think Dad?" Whitney asked her dad excitedly.

"What do I think about what?" He asked confused. I face palmed myself and shook my head while Whitney just gaped at him.

"Seriously?!" Lainie and Hailie exclaimed together.

"I'm kidding man. Relax." Marshall said with a chuckle. He let go of me looked around the room. He had this smile on his face and shine in his eyes that made me want to tear up. Don't blame me, I'm hormonal. "I love it. You girls did a great job." He said and I nodded my head, agreeing.

"Well I love the room, but I need to go sit now." I said rubbing my tummy as I turned to leave. I didn't wait for anyone to follow or say anything as I made my way down the stairs. I sighed in relief once I was on the couch with my feet up. Carrying three babies is no joke.

"Do you need anything baby?" Marshall called from the kitchen.

"A water please." I called back. "And can you hurry?"

"What? Why? What's wrong?" Marshall asked basically speed walking over to me with a can of Red Bull and a water bottle for me.

"Because I need a kiss." I said grabbing his shirt and pulling him down to me. The moment his lips met mine I felt like just ripping his clothes off. I felt Marshall smile against my lips and when he pulled away he frowned at me.

"Don't fucking scare me like that baby." He said letting out a sigh as he pressed his lips against mine again. I sat up so that he could come sit behind me like we did almost every night lately. He would do that and just keep his hands on my stomach and wait for the babies to kick. "How are my three G's doing today?"

"They've actually been very quiet today. Haven't moved much at all." I said frowning down at my stomach.

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked panicked and I chuckled and shook my head.

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