Feeling better

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Chapter 31

"So did you talk to him?" Kat asked me over the phone. I was still in bed when she called to check on me the next day.

"Yeah we talked a little." I said with a small giggle.

"Ok. I really didn't need to know that Kia. I'm glad you're ok though and now that he's home maybe you'll start feeling better." She said and I could practically hear the smile in her voice.

"Yeah. Thanks though. I was a bitch and really didn't need to blame you for calling him. I mean I would have done the same if it was you." I said with a sigh.

"Yeah I know. And it's ok Kia, I understand why you were mad. I would have been too." She said with a chuckle.

"Yeah." I said chuckling too.

"So how do you feel today?" She asked me and I was going to answer with a smart remark but decided against it.

"I feel ok. He made me stay in bed the whole day yesterday. We talked about our situation and he suggested we go see a gynecologist." I said rolling over onto my back.

"And? Are you guys going?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Not sure. I'm too scared to go." I said biting my lip and I heard Kat sigh on the other end.

"You need to seriously chill out Kia. Go, you never know what news you may get." She said and I guess she was right.

"I guess you're right." I said and I heard her snort.

"When am I not right? Anyway, let me know if you going. I'll call again soon to check up on you." She said making me smile.

"Ok will do Kat. Thanks for the call. Love you." I smiled and heard her giggle.

"Love you too Kia." And with that the line went dead. I smiled and put the phone back on the nightstand. I heard a noise at the door and pushed myself up on my elbows and held the sheets up to cover my bare chest as I frowned at the door. I bit my lip to stop from giggling as I saw Marshall with his back to me as he pushed the door open with that sexy ass of his. He turned and his face dropped.

"Well iI'm just as glad to see you too baby." I said with a smile making him smile too and shake his head.

"I wanted to surprise you baby." He said walking over to me in nothing but his boxers. Damn did he look fine.

"And you still did." I smiled up at him as he placed the tray with food and drinks on on the bedside table. He leaned over me and dipped his head down to kiss me. I smiled against his lips and put my arms around his neck to pull him down onto the bed. He chuckled and moved so that he was hovering above me.

"I should do this more often." Marshall said as he rested his weight on his hands that were on either side of my head. He smiled and his eyes trailed down from my face. The sheets have moved from my body, leaving my chest exposed. Marshall looked up at me with a smirk and then bent down and closed his mouth around one of my nipples. I arched my back and moaned out at the feeling.


"Marshall." I moaned out as he continued to suck on my nipple as his fingers worked at massaging my other nipple. Marshall moved so that he was balancing himself on his one arm as the other arm yanked the sheets completely off my body. He smirked down at me as he laid down next to me with him propped up on his elbow. His other hand he held onto my hip as he leaned in and kissed me.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed this moment with him. I traced his bottom lip and asked for entrance but he didn't grant it. I felt him smirk against my lips when I tried again and he didn't grant it to me. His hand glided over my stomach and then he pushed two fingers in me. I wasn't expecting that so I gasped. He then slipped his tongue in my mouth as our tongues danced together in a glorious dance.

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