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Chapter 11

"Come on girls, time to get up." I said sitting up after silencing the alarm on my phone. They all groaned but slowly started to sit up.

"Do we really need to go to school?" Hailie asked sitting up rubbing her eyes.

"Yes, now come on. Go get dressed. I'll fix you guys something to eat." I said getting up

"Yeah Hails, it's Friday and you get to see Mitch." Lainie said making Hailie beam. I swear I've never seen anyone jump up that fast to get ready. I chuckled and walked to my room to quickly get. I went with a simple grey pants, white blouse and black pumps. I tied my hair into a ponytail and quickly put on some make up.

When I walked into the kitchen I found the girls already dressed and munching on some of the left over pizza from last night.

"I told you guys I would make something to eat." I said opening the fridge and taking out the orange juice.

"We know, but it's pizza. And if we didn't eat it, it would go to waste." Lainie said with a shrug.

"I guess, but now I feel bad." I said with a frown. "Do you guys want some juice?"

"Yes please." They all said and I got out glasses for all of us. I poured us each a glass and we sat around the counter and made jokes and laughed.

"Oh shit. We need to get going." I said as I glanced on the clock on the wall.

"You said a bad word Kia." Whitney said crossing her arms scowling at me.

"Sorry sweety. I promise I won't do it again." I smiled at her and she smiled nodding her head. "No go brush your teeth and get your school things. We're going to be late."

"Ok, what about our bags?" Lainie asked as she got up.

"Leave them here. I'm picking you guys up too. Nate said he'd get you guys a little later today." I said waving her off to go brush her teeth. She rolled her eyes with a smile and left. I went to go brush my teeth too.

"We're ready Kia!" Hailie yelled looking down at her phone as I walked into the lounge.

"I'm right here Hails. No need to yell jeez." I smiled and nudged her shoulder. She giggled and then we made our way down to my car. Whitney called shotgun and Lainie and Hailie rolled their eyes at her. We drove and sang along to whatever song came on the radio. I dropped Hailie and Lainie off first.

"Thanks Kia, see you later." Hailie said as she got out the car and Lainie waved.

"Bye girls, have a good day. See you later." I smiled and waved at them as I drove to Whitney's school.

"Bye Kia, thanks for the lunch money." Whitney said as she leaned over to give me a hug.

"You're welcome Whit. Have a good day at school and I'll see you later." I kissed her head and she got out and waved at me before she ran to her friends waiting for her. I smiled and drove to work.

I got to work and plopped down in my chair behind my desk and let out a sigh. It was a busy morning, but I liked it. I wouldn't mind my mornings always starting out like that. It was nice not being alone and it put me in a good mood for the day.

"Hey Matt?" I asked as I knocked on his open door. He looked up at me and smiled waving me to come in. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure Kiana. What do you need?" Matt asked as he crossed his arms on his desk.

"I was wondering if I can maybe get off work early today? I'm looking after a friends kids and I have to pick them up from school." I said fidgeting with the hem of my shirt.

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