Mr and Mrs Mathers

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Chapter 25

I woke up with a huge smile on my face as Marshall placed feather light kisses all over my shoulder and back, seeing as I was currently laying on my stomach. I hummed as Marshall's hand traced down my back and to my ass. He gave it a small squeeze making me giggle.

"Someone is in a good mood this morning." I said smiling as I pushed up on my elbows and faced him. He was on his side with his head popped up in his palm.

"Well I get to wake up to my beautiful wife." He said making me beam from the inside out. I smiled at him and leaned in closer to kiss him. I felt him smile against my lips and I swear everything in this moment was absolutely perfect.

"What's the time baby?" I asked him turning around so that I was laying on my back looking up at him. He rested his hand on my hip and drew small shapes with the tips of his fingers.

"Just before six baby." He said kissing the tip of my nose. My eyes widened and he chuckled at me. "Sorry I woke you so early since we didn't get much sleep last night." He said winking making me giggle. "But I was going to have a shower before we have to leave and was wondering if you would like to join me my wife?"

"I would love to my hubby." I smiled and cupped his face as I kissed him sweetly. He sucked on my bottom lip and then bit down on it gently making me moan in delight. His hand on my hip tightened and then he pulled away completely and got up off the bed.

I groaned as he left me wanting more. The damn asshole did that on purpose, I knew it. I pushed up on my elbows and smirked as I got a good full view of his ass as he walked to the bathroom.

"Well?" He asked me over his shoulder. "Are you going to come or are you just lay in bed and check me out all day?" I rolled my eyes while giggling as I jumped out of bed and ran to him. He turned around just in time to catch me as I threw my arms around him and crashed my lips to his.

He smiled against my lips as he pulled me even closer to him by my waist and snaked his arms around me. I took control of the kiss and traced his bottom lip with the tip of my tongue. He smiled against my lips and pulled away from the kiss. I pouted at him and he wiggled his pointer finger me as if to say 'I don't thing so' and then kissed my nose.

"You are such a tease baby." I said crossing my arms over my chest as Marshall turned on the water in the shower. He stuck his hand under the water and then turned to grab my hand and pulled me under the water with him.

"I may be a tease baby." Marshall said pulling me in front of his so that my back was to his front and leaned down to kiss my shoulder. "But you love me."

"That I do." I said smiling. "Even if you're a tease." I said rubbing my ass against him making him groan and bite down on my shoulder a little. I smiled and then stepped away from him as I stepped under the water to wet my hair. I heard Marshall curse under his breath making me smirk. He wanted to play, so let's play.

Every now and then my ass or hands would subtly brush against Marshall making him groan or curse under his breath. He also said we had to hurry or we will miss the flight so that made it even more fun. We got out of the shower after we were done and walked into the room with our towels wrapped around us.

I smirked since I felt his eyes on me from behind. I took my towel off and threw my head over so that my hair was hanging in front of me giving Marshall a good look at my bare butt. I took my towel and dried my air. Marshall walked up to my and grabbed my hips and pulled me back into him and I felt his arousal.

"You really shouldn't bend over like that in front of me baby." He whispered in my ear as he bent over me. I gasped and dropped my towel as I felt him push two fingers inside me. I closed my eyes and bit down on my lip as he grazed my earlobe with his teeth. "We need to get going baby." Marshall said taking his fingers out and walked over to his bag to grab his clothes for the day.

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