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"Momma! Momma!" Was all I heard when I woke up this morning. I opened my eyes to find two sets of gorgeous blue eyes and huge smile's, behind dummies, looking down at me.

"Hey babies." I said in a sleepy voice still. I smiled as I sat up and brought my two little ones in for a hug and kiss. "Did you have a nice sleep?" I asked them and all they did was smile as they played with my hair.

"Morning baby." Marshall smiled as he walked into the room with a bottle in each hand.

"Morning." I smiled and kissed Marshall. "How long have they been up?" I asked him and he sat down on the bed with his back against the wall, handing Grayson and Gabi their bottles.

"About an hour." He said shrugging and my eyes widened.

"An hour? Why didn't you wake me up baby?" I asked and he smiled and took Gabi into his lap since Grayson was laying down on my pillow with me while he drank.

"I was up before them. They didn't wake me." He said as he pulled a face at Gabi. She smiled behind her bottle and giggled.

"Don't make her laugh while she drinks Marshall, she could choke." I said scowling him. He gave me a sorry smile then turned to Gabi with a frown.

"Momma is mad at us Gabs." He said and Gabi looked at me and smiled while she held a hand out for me to take. I reached for her hand but Grayson took it before I could. They were so cute together. I think they sometime's knew that there was one missing, because they would get upset and then hug each other or just hold hands then calm down.

Our little Gracie has never left our hearts. We had a nice photo of her on one of the days where we could hold her and didn't have all the tubes and needles in her. It was above the fire place and there was another one of her like that on my bedside table and in the twins room.

They have gotten so big though and boy were they a handful. Grayson looked just like his dad, he was going to be a little heart breaker where as Gabi looked like me but with her dad's gorgeous blue eyes.

Marshall was back on the road again soon to tour again since he released a new album recently. The Marshall Mathers LP2. It was a huge hit and people loved it. I still don't know how the hell he did it. Between the twins and sleepless nights and recording, but he did a great job. Marshall had convinced me to go on tour with him. He said he didn't want to be away from us for too long. His hair was also blond again and when he was asked why he bleached his hair again, all he said was 'Slim Shady's back'.

Lainie was in college and doing extremely well and Hailie made her dad super proud when she became the homecoming queen. I can't believe the girls were so big already. At least Whit was still our little sweet girl. All three of them got more and more gorgeous everyday. They were a great help with the twins too.

Nate has moved in with Ashley and Audri and they were doing amazing. Ashley was pregnant too now ans even though Nate didn't want it when she started begging him, I could see that he was excited.

These two little ones have really turned our worlds upside down. They made us realize how amazing life is and when we lost Gracie we realized how short life really is. Marshall even made a song for his mom where he apologized in and telling her how much he loves and appreciates her. It was called Headlights and it was a beautiful song. I knew it meant a lot to him and whenever he was asked about it, all he said was that what he needed to say is all in the song.

The twins started to walk just around their first birthday and I don't know who was more excited, Marshall or myself? He said that the sooner Grayson walked, the sooner he could play basketball. He even bought him his first mini net and all. I thought it was funny and so cute. Marshall was amazing with them and sometimes I think that they love their dad more than they love me.

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