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Chapter 4

I groaned and rolled over in bed trying to find my alarm clock that was blaring into my ears at this time of the morning. Once I finally got it to shut up I turned over on my back and just laid there for a few more minutes. I stretched out my limbs as I got out from under the warm covers and went to open my curtains.

"You're fucking kidding me?" I mumbled as I watched the droplets roll down my window. We've been having some weird and odd weather lately. It was supposed to be nice and warm and sunny but no, it was cold and windy and now raining. I sighed and walked over to my closet to grab the clothes I set out for the day.

It was a plain black pants suit with a matching blazer. I choose a nice white silk blouse to go with it and picked out my black pumps. I had to look professional today since I had a meeting for a potential client. I switched on my straightener and while it heated up I applied some mascara, eye liner, blush and some lip gloss. I was really not that big on make up.

After I was done I started with my hair. I hummed a random tune softly to myself as I straightened my hair. I grabbed my brush and then blew out my bangs so they had some volume. I grabbed my phone and then made my way from my bedroom to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl and got out my granola and the yogurt from the fridge.

I quickly had my breakfast and then went to brush my teeth. I locked my apartment and made my way over to the elevator with my small briefcase with all my papers inside it. I pressed the button for the garage and waited patiently for the elevator to come to a stop. I stepped out of the elevator and into the garage that was covered with all types of different cars.

I pressed the unlock button on my remote and my Volkswagen 1.9TDi Polo blinked as it unlocked. I got in and put my briefcase on the passenger seat. I put on my seat belt and started the car. I smiled as Space Bound of Eminem started playing. I was listening to Recovery last time I drove.

I sang along on my drive to work. This had to be one of my favorite songs by him. It was about a 10minute drive to my office and once I finally got there I parked my car in the garage we had for our building.

"Morning Alicia." I smiled at our receptionist as I stepped into our building.

"Hi Kiana. Have a good weekend?" She asked and I smiled thinking of my weekend.

"Yes thank you and you?" I asked and walked up to her desk.

"It was ok. Nothing special happened. Mr right still haven't found his way to me yet." I said with a pout. I giggled and walked past her to my office.

"He'll show up! Don't worry!" I called over my shoulder as she giggled. I walked into my office and switched on my computer. While it was starting up I went to grab a cup of espresso in our small kitchen.

"Kiana." Matt, my boss tipped his mug to me with a smile.

"Hey Matt. Had a good weekend?" I asked with a smile as I reached for a mug.

"No, Lexi was sick and she had my wife and myself up most of the weekend." He said with a tired sigh while rubbing his eyes with his index finger and thumb.

"I'm sorry Matt." I smiled and patted him on the back. Lexi was his four year old daughter.

"So are you meeting with the Dickson's today?" He asked as he rinsed out his mug and then placed it in the sink.

"Yeah, I'm taking them to the house at noon. It looks promising." I smiled as I leaned against the counter and sipped my espresso.

"You know if you carry on the way you do I may have to make you a partner." He said with a smile and raised eyebrow. I chuckled and shook my head as he left the kitchen. I finished off my coffee and made my way back to my office. My computer was on now so I went to go check my e-mails.

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