Missing him

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Chapter 10

This morning I had to literally drag myself out of bed. I just did not feel like starting the day or more like week knowing that I'm not going to get to see Marshall the whole week. Is it weird that I even miss having the girls and Nate around?

I got dressed in a black pants, grey silk blouse and some black flats. My hair I put up in a elegant enough for work ponytail and then put on some make up. I made my way to the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab something to eat but I wasn't that hungry so I just grabbed a Red Bull.

"Hey Kiana." Alicia said with a smiled and wave.

"Hey." I said with a sad smile and small wave. She frowned and got up from behind her desk.

"What's wrong girl?" She asked as she gave me a hug. I felt a little better. I needed the hug.

"I'm just being stupid." I said shaking my head. She gave me a pointed stare and I sighed. "Marshall leaves for LA today and he only gets back on Sunday."

"Aw you miss him already don't you?" She asked and I nodded and she clapped her hands together. "Does that mean you guys are like dating?"

I frowned at her question and thought about it. What were we actually? Were we dating or just messing around? I had no idea. "I actually don't know."

"Well you should figure it out soon. Why is he in LA though?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

"It's the MTV VMA's Thursday and he has other interview and things and then he has a show in New York too, so yeah." I said with a sigh.

"Oeh girl, you got it bad." She said nudging my shoulder.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You are so falling for him. Maybe you've already fallen for him." She said with a wink as she walked back to her desk.

"Whatever." I said with a roll of the eyes and a chuckle. I walked to my office and then closed the door and sat down in my desk chair. I spun myself around as I waited for my computer to start up. I jumped a little when my phone started to vibrate. I should remember to take it off vibrate. My head was spinning a little from all the spinning so I didn't bother to try and see who was calling so I just answered.

"Hello?" I asked putting my hand to my head to try stop the spinning.

"Hey baby." I sat up straighter when I heard his voice and my whole mood lit up.

"Hey Marshall." I said trying to keep the excitement out my voice.

"What you doing baby?" He asked and I can just see him slouching in a chair with his fingers to his chin as he talks.

"Just going through some emails at work. And you?"

"Just got on the plane now. Just thought I'd tell you and hear how you're doing baby." I smiled at his sweetness. Like really who is this guy and what did he do to Eminem. Then again people know Eminem and not Marshall Mathers.

"I'm ok I guess. Just miss you already and you haven't even left yet." I said with a little blush at my little statement.

"The week will be over before you know it baby. I needa go. I'll let you know when I land in LA. Have a good day babe." I wanted to start crying and just beg him to stay on the phone but I knew that was impossible.

"You too baby. Have a good time in LA." I said with a sad smile and then ended the call with a sigh. I went to start with my work for the day when I got a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number: OMG Kiana! Maybe I should start by saying it's me, Hailie:) I stole your number from dad. No jk I begged him for it! Lol. Anyway, Mitch just asked me out!!!! I thought I'd just tell you. Oh and please don't tell dad I used my phone during school. I'll be dead meat.

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