Still waiting

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Chapter 18

I sat there completely stunned and what I just heard. Or maybe I didn't hear it, I just thought I did. I looked at Marshall and I'm sure my eyes looked like saucers and my jaw was on the floor.

"Wh-what did you just say?" I asked still trying to wrap my head around what he said. Could it really be?

"I said marry me Kiana." He repeated with a completely serious face. Ok now I was just waiting for him to start laughing at me in my face and I'm pretty sure camera men are gonna jump out somewhere and then they'll tell me I'm being punk'd. "Baby?" He asked me as he tilted his head a little with concern in his eyes.

"Huh?" Was all I could get out.

"Look Kiana, I'm not just saying that because I want you to have my kids. I mean it baby. I love you so motherfucking much and I want to sped the rest of my life with you." He said cupping my face with the most sweetest of smile's on his face. I smiled back at him, I mean how couldn't I smile back at that damn gorgeous smile. I placed my hand on his and he puled me closer to his face.

"I love you too baby." I whispered and then he placed his lips on me oh so sweetly that I swear if I could've, I would've melted right here and now. He pulled away so that the tips of our noses were still touching.

"So what do you say baby? Will you do me the honor of becoming my beautiful wife?" He asked and I glanced at the girls. They were completely oblivious to our conversation as they were too caught up with playing with Mase. I turned my attention back to Marshall as he waited for me to answer.

"Hello?" I asked into my phone. Yeah my phone had to ring and ruin our moment. I swear it's like Marshall and my phone knows just when to mess up a moment.

"Hey Kia, we're at the gate." It was Kellie. Marshall must have been able to hear what she said because he sighed and got up off the floor I'm guessing to go open the gate.

"Oh hey Kellie, uh ok yeah. We'll open uh up for you guys." I said still in a daze and a little confused as to what the hell just happened.

"Ok then." She said and I could hear the frown on her voice as the line went dead.

"Hi guys. How was your trip?" I heard Marshall's voice in the distant and just the sound of his voice brought a smile to my face. I couldn't hear the response because it was too soft. "Come on in guys. Everyone is in the lounge."

"Mase." Kellie said in a sing song voice. All our heads turned into the direction that Kellie's voice came from.

"Momma!" Mason exclaimed and went running to his mom. She giggled and bent down to catch him in her arms. The girls slowly got up and I swear I was mentally ill right now, because I couldn't get my motor skills to work at all.

"Did you have fun with Kia and Em- I mean Marshall?" Kellie said correcting herself. She glanced at me and then frowned when she saw me sitting on the floor. "Kia? Are you ok?" I blinked a few times then shook my head from it's haziness.

"Oh uh yeah. I'm good." I smiled and finally got off the floor. Marshall and Allen then walked into the lounge laughing about something. Allen went to go stand by Kellie and took Mason and gave him a hug and kiss as Marshall came to stand my me and the girls. Whitney was standing in front of me with my hand in hers and Hailie held my other hand. I glanced over to see that Lainie had her arm around Marshall and he had his hand on her back.

"These are my girls. Whitney, Hailie and Alaina." Marshall smiled fondly at his girls as he pointed each one out as he said their names.

"And this is Kellie, my baby sis and Allen, her boyfriend." I said smiling but when I said boyfriend Kellie's smile got bigger and she shook her head. "What?" I asked her confused.

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