Say what?

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Chapter 17

I smiled before I opened my eyes when I woke up. I rolled over to find the bed empty? I stretched my arms above my head and yawned before I looked around the room. The bathroom door was open so Marshall wasn't in there and the bedroom door was slightly open so he must be awake already.

I looked down at his shirt I was wearing and smiled. After we made love last night we both put on some clothes for in case the girls came to bring Mason to me. I'm sure they wouldn't have appreciated it if we were both naked.

"Now shhhh Mase. We don't want to wake Kia." I heard Marshall's voice outside the door. I smiled and laid back down in bed, pretending to be asleep. I peeked through one eye and saw Marshall with Mason in his arms. I tried not to but failed to not smile. It was just the most heart warming picture.

Marshall put Mason down and then Mason waddled over to me and put his hand on my cheek.

"Boo." I said softly and opened my eyes making Mason jump a little then giggle.

"Tia." He smiled at me then looked back to Marshall.

"Morning buddy. Did you sleep well?" I asked sitting up in bed and picking him up. I kissed his cheek and then gave him a hug. I looked up to find Marshall leaning against the door frame, watching me with a smile. "Morning baby."

"Sleep well baby?" He asked as he pushed off the frame and walked up to me. I smiled and nodded as he leaned down to kiss me.

"I did. Thank you. And you baby?" I asked as he walked around the bed to come and lay down again. He nodded then rested on his side, popped up on one elbow. "How long have you been up?"

"Not long." He shrugged and pulled a funny face at Mase, making him giggle. I smiled as Mason got off my lap and went to sit between Marshall and me.

"Are the girls up yet?" I asked and he shook his head as he played biting Mason's palm making him laugh even more. Oh my word seeing him with Mason just made my heart skip a beat.

"No." He said glancing up at me while Mason had his hands all over Marshall's face. I think Mase wanted to play peeka-boo or something. "When I got down stairs to check on the girls Mason had just woken up so I brought him up here."

"Dad! Kia!" I turned my attention to the door where a very worried Lainie, Hailie and Whitney stood. They were all three still half asleep but were looking like they've seen a ghost.

"What?" Marshall asked alerted as he sat up quick with Mason in his lap. The girls looked at Marshall then at us then let out a sigh. Whitney wiped her head with the back of her hand in a dramatic way. Lainie just ran her fingers through her hair and Hailie put a hand over her heart.

"We thought Mase was gone." Hailie said in a tired voice.

"Yeah we woke up and he was gone, so went looking for him and couldn't find him." Lainie said as they walked into the room.

"Sorry babies. He woke up so I brought him up here so you girls could sleep a little longer." Marshall said chuckling at his daughters frantic state.

"Come here." I smiled and waved them over. They all smiled and came over as the climbed on the bed. Whitney came to lay next to me as Hailie and Lainie sat at the foot of the bed with crossed legs. Mason was now sitting on Marshall's stomach.

"So how did you girls sleep?" I asked while stroking Whitney's hair.

"Good thanks and you?" Hailie asked with a smile.

"Great thanks." I beamed at the girls and Lainie and Hailie raised their eyebrows at that. I giggled and they pulled their faces at me. Lainie shook her head and went to go lay down with her head on Marshall's shoulder. He smiled and kissed the top of her head.

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