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Chapter 27

Rain, that's all we've seen these last three days. It's been raining non stop and today was our last day here in the French Polynesia. I, however, did not mind the rain since I got to spend the whole day in bed, cuddled up to my hubby.

Before the rain started, a few days ago, Marshall and I went to swim with the dolphins. That was so much fun and quite the experience. I absolutely loved dolphins, I always found them to be majestic creatures. Marshall hasn't stopped spoiling me and in return, I would spoil him at night with the lingerie. To be honest I kind of think he keeps doing things for me just for the lingerie.

"What are you thinking baby?" Marshall's voice brought me out of my reverie. I turned my head up to him so that I can see him.

"About you and what a wonderful honeymoon you've given me." I say with a small smile as he keeps running the tips of his fingers over my bare back. I was laying on my stomach with my head rested on his chest.

"You made it wonderful Kiana." He said smiling as he kissed the tip of my nose, making me giggle like a little school girl. "I love that sound."

"Yeah?" I asked and he nodded as he cracked a small smile. "Well I love you Mr Mathers." I said moving so that I could kiss Marshall on the lips.

"I love you more Mrs Mathers. God I love saying that and hearing that." He said making my swoon at his words. I loved hearing him calling me Mrs Mathers too. He kissed me again and then I laid my head back down.

"So it's back to reality tomorrow." I say with a sigh and then my head bobbed a little as Marshall chuckled at me.

"You still have a few days off baby. You only go back to work on Tuesday." Marshall said lacing his hand that wasn't running up and down my back with mine. Today was Thursday and we fly back in the morning.

"Do you have anything coming up soon baby?" I asked while I just enjoyed this moment with him. I swear I could stay in his arms like this all day long, everyday for the rest of my life.

"Not till next month. I finish up my tour for Recovery and then after that I'm taking a break from touring to work on the label. Royce and I have a few ideas we're talking about." He said and I could hear the pride in his voice when he talks about his label.

"How long are you going to be away for baby?" I asked him with a little sadness in my voice. I hated it when he goes away. I know I'll have to get used to it, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

"About three weeks baby." Marshall said making me sigh and frown. Marshall sighed too and made me look up at him and he smiled and kissed my forehead. "It will be over before you know it. Besides, it's still a month away baby."

"I know. I just really miss you when you go away." I say pouting at him.

"I hate going away too baby. If I could take you and the girls with me every time I go somewhere I would." He said with a serious face making me giggle.

"Really?" I asked and raised a eyebrow.

"You can bet your fucking sweet ass I would." He said grabbing my ass giving it a squeeze making me yelp from surprise.

"So I have a fucking sweet ass now?" I asked smirking at him.

"Actually, I think your ass is better than fucking sweet." Marshall said pulling me closer so that he can sink his teeth into my shoulder making he shudder with delight.

"Are you hungry Mr Mathers?" I asked sitting up and straddling him as I gaze down at him with my hands on his chest. He gazed up at me with his hands on my upper thighs. He was giving me this intense look that made me wet for him. Damn what he could do to me with just one fucking look.

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