Oh look it's Daddy

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Chapter 13

Monday morning rolled around and I was alone at home. Marshall tried to get me to spend the last night, but I didn't have any work clothes for today. He eventually let me out the house, extremely pissed off might I add, as said he will see me today.

It was cute how he got all temperamental when he didn't get what he wanted. He may be Eminem, but to me he's just Marshall, and I'm sorry but I won't let anyone tell me what to do. Even the mad that I loved.

I got dressed in a halter neck grey blouse with black slacks and some black flats. I put my hair up in ponytail and then once I was done in my room, made my way to my kitchen. I had a bowl of cereal while I just sat in silence. I brushed my teeth once I was done and made my way to my car.

"Morning Kiana." Alicia smiled up at me as I walked in.

"Morning Alicia." I smiled and waved at her as I walked to my office. I switched on my computer and waited for it to start up. I haven't heard from Marshall yet today. He must still be mad at me, but he needs to understand where I was coming from. I caved and grabbed my phone to text him.

Me: Morning baby. Hope you have a good day! I love you Marshall. xoxox

I didn't get a reply back and put my phone away as I started to go through my weeks work. I was so engrossed in my work that I completely lost track of time.

"Kiana van Dyk speaking." I answered my desk phone as it rang.

"Uh Kiana, there someone here for you." Alicia said a little weirdly. Like she was almost nervous? I shrugged and told her to tell whoever it was I was on my way. I got up from my desk and flattened out the creases in my clothes then made my way to the front desk.

"Who's here for me?" I asked Alicia as I stood at her desk. She glanced at me then behind me as she pointed. I turned and saw a familiar figure slouched in one of the chairs with his fingers under his chin and his hood pulled up over his head. He looked like he was deep in thought as he was looking through the window.

"Thanks." I smiled at Alicia. All she did was gawk at him and nodded at me. I turned and walked over to him. He glanced my way and had a small smile and slowly got up. "Hey."

"Hey yourself." He said pushing his hood off his head.

"You never texted me back." I said watching him as he frowned and shook his.

"I'm sorry baby." He said stepping closer and pulling me in to him. He kissed the top of my head as my arms went around his waist. "I was being a fucking prick."

"It's ok baby." I said tightening my arms around him.

"Do you have half an hour to spare for your fucking prick of a boyfriend?" He asked with a straight face as he held me at arms length.

"He is a fucking prick, isn't he?" I teased him with a chuckle. He smiled and shook his head. I glanced at his wrist watch and saw it was noon, meaning I had a 45minte lunch. "Depends."

"On what?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Do I get a kiss?" I asked with a flirty smile as I bashed my eyelashes at him.

"You can have more than just a kiss baby." He said as he leaned closer and brushed his lips against mine.

"I only have 45minuutes baby." I said slapping his arm.

"I only need two." He winked and pressed his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss but it was over all too soon. "Let's go baby. I'm taking you out for lunch."

"Ok. Let me just get my phone." I said as we pulled apart. He nodded and then let me go so I could get my phone. Alicia's mouth hung open as she watched me walk back to my office. I chuckled and shook my head. I grabbed my phone then made my way back to him.

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