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Chapter 33

I was home before Marshall today, which is odd. He's been in the studio again working on yet another album. He got quite busy sometime's but he always made time for us, being me and the girls. Nate has since met a girl and they started dating, her name is Ashley and she's absolutely gorgeous and the nicest person you'll ever meet.

I was home alone, since Nate was at Ashley's and the girls were at Kim's for the week. I strolled to the kitchen and got a bottle of water out for myself. I guess I should start on the dinner soon. Though I had no idea what to make to eat.

I walked around the kitchen island and took a seat on one of the tall stools as I unscrewed the cap of the water bottle. I took a long sip and then placed the bottle down on the counter as I rested my chin in my palm and drummed my other fingers on the counter as I decided what to make to eat. It was Friday today so I really was in no mood to cook, but I have a husband I need to keep fed and happy.

I was so deep in thought that I nearly jumped out of my skin when the front door was slammed shut. I took in a deep breath and tried to calm myself down as a very pissed off looking Marshall tossed his keys on the kitchen counter and went straight to the fridge. I frowned at hos odd behaviour and got up to walk to him.

"Marshall?" I asked in a soft voice as I touched his arm softly. He tensed a little by my touch while downing a Red Bull but then relaxed as I started to softly rub his arm in a form of comfort for him. He crunched up the can and tossed it in the sink behind him. He dropped his head and sighed and then turned his head a little so that he could see me. I rose an eyebrow at him and smiled a little.

"Hey baby." He said with a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth too. He surprised me by standing up suddenly and pulling me to him, crushing his lips to mine. He took no time in waiting for me to respond to him as he worked my mouth open with his and slipped his tongue in. He tasted of Red Bull and that for some reason was a major turn on for me.

I gripped his shirt to pull him closer to me as his hands went to my hair and he thrust his fingers through it. I had no idea what brought this hunger in him on, but I was not complaining. But I spoke too soon as he started to pull away from the kiss. He rested his forehead against mine and we were both trying to catch our breaths.

"Long day?" I asked him after I had caught my breath. Marshall closed his eyes and let out a long and shaky sigh.

"Yeah. I had a visitor today." He said opening his eyes to look at me again. I frowned and he stood up straight while staring into my eyes.

"Who?" I asked him confused. By the sound of his voice and the look on his face it didn't seem like it was a nice visit.

"Your dad." Ok I was not expecting him to say that. At all. What the fuck was my dad doing going to Marshall to 'visit' him? I mean they barely knew each other. Marshall must have seen all the questions on my face because he sighed and brought my hand up to his mouth and placed his lips on it. "Have you made something to eat baby?"

"Uh no why?" I asked confused by his subject change.

"Let's just order in." He suggested and I nodded. Still with a frown on my face. "Why don't you go have a bath while I order" He kissed me chastely "Then we can talk further?"

"Ok baby." I agreed and went up to our room. To be honest a nice warm bubble bath will be great right now. I heard Marshall talk on the phone as I made my way up the stairs. Poor Romeo also had to do everything for Marshall.

I went straight to the bathroom and run a bath for myself. I poured a little too much babble bath in because in no time the bath was filled with bubbles. I didn't mind though, I liked it like that. I stripped of my clothes and got in, closing my eye at the warm and welcoming feeling. I heard the door and opened my eyes to see Marshall turning on the water in the shower.

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