18 weeks

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Chapter 34

"Ugh" I let out an annoyed breath, blowing my bangs out of my face. Kat turned to me with a small smile on her face.

"What's up?" She asked and I gave her 'are you really asking me that?' look. She rolled her eyes and giggled at me.

"I feel like I swallowed a freaking watermelon." I said rubbing my swollen tummy. I was now 18weeks pregnant, so five and a half months. I was loving every second of it, except when your best friend decides to take you shopping for hours on end. "And my back is killing me and my feet are swelling up too."

"Oh shut up. You're not the only one ok." Kat said bumping me slightly as she went to rub her small tummy too. Yes, Kat and Kyle were preggies too, but she was only carrying one and was a mere 12weeks now.

"I still can't believe it." I said smiling at her as we went to sit down by a small table in the back of the coffee shop.

"Believe what?" She asked as her eyes scanned the menu.

"The fact that I'm pregnant the same time as my best friend and my sister. And we're all about 6weeks apart." I said shaking my head.

"Yeah, that is crazy right?" Kat smiled at me and we both ended up giggling at that. We found it funny for some reason. You see today we came to the mall to do a little baby shopping and get some idea's for rooms and what not. We had fun, but a pregnant woman can only handle so much fun.

"How did his parents take it?" I asked Kat just as our water came over. Kat held a finger up for me to say she'll tell me in a sec.

"We'll have two fruit cocktails please." She smiled at the lady and then turned to me, letting out a sigh. "Well you know how we thought they were going to kill us and disown him and all that jazz?" I frowned slightly and nodded. "Yeah well, turns out they were over the moon. They said since we are already engaged to be married, it didn't matter."

"Speaking of, when are you guys tying the knot?" I asked as the lady came and set our drinks down on the table. We both thanked her then continued with our discussion.

"After I pop." Kat said sipping on her juice. "I wanted to get married sooner, but Kyle said no, he doesn't want me stressed out over a wedding when I'm carrying his baby." She rolled her eyes while saying this. "I swear he thinks I cant do anything now that I'm pregnant."

"I know what you mean." I said sighing a little. "Marshall won't let me do anything anymore. He fusses over me and the girls too. I have to beg them just to be in the kitchen. And when I am, there's always someone in there with me."

"That bad huh?" She asked and I nodded making her chuckle. "So hows work been?" She asked after we stopped laughing.

"It's been great. Matt fired Rex. I didn't even ask him why, I was just so happy he left. But Matt's hardly ever there since his wife recently had another baby too, so I'm mostly in charge. I like it though." I said and Kat nodded. "And you?"

"Well I'm still teaching art at the school. I love working with the kids and doing art is just a bonus for me. I really love it." She said and I smiled. was so happy in this moment. "I know you don't like to talk about this, but uh hows your dad?"

"Don't know. Don't care." I said and Kat nodded, understanding. "After we gave him the money, we never heard of him again. Kellie said she's never seen him or heard from him either. I think he might have split, but it's better that way. I don't need him in my life or the babies." I said rubbing my tummy.

"Yeah. I guess it's better that way." She said as she called for the bill. I grabbed it before she could and paid. I was about to stand up when my phone started to ring.

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