Bad day, good ending

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Chapter 15

I groaned and pulled the cover over my head as the alarm went off the next morning. Wait how the hell was is even morning yet? I swear I fell asleep like a few minutes ago. And to make matters so much worse, my head was fucking killing me.

"Come on baby. Time to get up." Marshall said kissing my head.

"No." I groaned and buried my face in his chest. He chuckled and kissed me again.

"You're going to be late for work." He said into my ear, making me shiver and goosebumps to erupt on my skin.

"Fuck work." I mumbled into his chest and nuzzled him with my nose. He sighed and sifted so that he was leaning on his elbow still facing me.

"I have other ways of getting you to wake up." He said huskily into my ear as his hands trailed down my body and rested on my exposed thigh.

"And how is that?" I asked with my eyes still closed. I was too scared to open my eyes and get blinded and then my headache would be so much worse.

"Like this." He said pushing his one leg between mine so that my legs opened as his hands trailed up the inside of my thing. I let out a soft moan as his fingers found my most sensitive spot and started to rub. He leaned down and kissed my neck and jaw and then finally making it to my mouth.

My arms instantly went around his neck as our tongues connected. He moved us so that I was on my back and he was hovering above me, resting on one hand as the other hand worked on me. My hips bucked and I felt him smile against my lips.

I gasped and fisted the sheets as he slowly pushed into me and nibbled on my neck. Oh boy did this feel so damn good. Right now it didn't matter that I was hungover or that I was going to be late for work, all that mattered was that I was us in this moment.

"Are you awake now baby?" He asked me as he collapsed down beside me panting.

"Yeah." I smiled softly and gave a small nod as we both came down from our high.

"Good." He said leaning up on his elbow and kissing me softly. "How you feeling baby?"

"Like fucking shit." I groaned and he snickered at that. I rolled my eyes and then pushed myself up. "I need to get ready." I said with a yawn. "What's the time now anyway?"

"It just turned 6 now baby." He said glancing at the alarm clock behind him.

"What time did you set the alarm for?" I asked with wide eyes.

"5am. I did that because then you wouldn't be late seeing as you have to go home first and get clothes." He said and I shook my head.

"I have clothes here. Remember I was going to spend the night before the shit hit the fan?" I asked him and he nodded with a frown.

"Where are they?" He asked as he got up to put on his boxers again.

"In the car." I said with a yawn and pulled my underwear on before I walked out of the room.

"Where are you going baby?" He asked me as he followed me.

"To have something to drink and then get my clothes so that I could shower." I said and turned to kiss him. He nodded then walked back into the room. I walked down the stairs and stopped dead in my tracks once I stepped into the kitchen.

"Oh, uh hi." The chick who opened the door last night mumbled as she glanced at me. My cheeks flushed seeing as I was only in my hotpants and Marshall's shirt.

"Hi." I said awkwardly. We both kind of looked everywhere but at each other.

"Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday. I thought Em was kidding when he told me he had a girlfriend. I know it must have looked bad when you came over, but I assure you that nothing ever happened between us." She said looking guilty.

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