You're fucking with my head

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Chapter 3

I was awoken by a slap in the face. Literally. I opened my eyes to see Mason smiling at me while biting on the tit of his bottle. I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Morning buddy. Did you sleep well?" I asked and hugged him to me. He squirmed out of my hold but I grabbed him and pulled him back down next to me. "Oh no you don't."

I tickled his sides and he started to giggle and thrash around to try and get free. I giggled along with him since he's laugh was so infectious. After a good few minutes I stopped and kissed his cheek.

"Are you hungry Mase?" I asked him as I sat up with him in my arms.

"Hundry" he said in his cute baby voice.

"Ok then. Let's go get you some food buddy." I out him down and he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the kitchen. I smiled and he pointed to the cabinet that had all the cereals.

"Nuto, nuto." He said still jabbing a finger at the cabinet.

"Ok, ok." I chuckled and picked him up. I put him in his high chair that I had here for him and then turned to get his Winnie the Pooh bowl from the cupboard. I then went to grab the chocolate ProNutro and then retrieved the milk from the fridge. Mason chuckled and clapped as I mad him his breakfast.

I mixed it till it was smooth and then walked over to sit on the stool closest to him. I sat down and turned to face him. "Open up Mase." I smiled and then made a plane noise as I brought the spoon to his lips. He opened up and took the bite.

After I finished feeding him I picked him up and then carried him to the room. I sat him down on the bathroom counter and then warmed up a face cloth. I wiped his face and he started moaning and crying when I did that.

"I know buddy. I know you don't like it." I kissed his cheek once I was done cleaning him. "Now lets get you dressed." I smiled and picked him up again. I laid him down on the bed and changed his nappy quickly. I dressed him in the black sweat pants that was in his bag and the light blue sweater. I pulled on his slippers that had little rubber things on the bottom so that he wont slip and fall.

"Now you just sit there and let Kia quickly get dressed ok Mase." I said pointing a finger to him. I backed away watching him all the time and then quickly turned to my closet. I grabbed a pair of long yoga pants and a light blue crew neck. When I turned around to check on Mason he was sitting on my pillow with my phone in his hands.

I chuckled and quickly got dressed while he was distracted. I went to my drawer and pulled out a pair of fluffy socks and pulled them on my feet. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and then went to sit next to Mason and pulled him into my lap. I took the phone from him and unlocked it going to the camera. I held Mason and tickled him a bit so that he will smile and then took the photo. I smiled at it and then set it as my wallpaper.

"Now lets go play a bit Mase." I said and put him on the floor. I smiled after him as he ran to the lounge. I walked in to find him already sitting on the floor playing with his big blocks. I walked over to the desk I had to the side of the lounge and pulled out his color in book and crayons.

We drew and played blocks for about two hours until Mason started yawning. I smiled and went to make him a bottle so that he can go have his nap. I called him to come and he got up and started to cry a little rubbing his eyes.

"Come lets get you to bed Mase." I said picking him up. He rested his head on my shoulder as I carried him to the bedroom. I changed his nappy then laid him down giving him his bottle. He took it and started playing with his ear as he drank his bottle. He did that whenever he was tired. I smiled and kissed his head then left the room, leaving the door ajar so that I could hear when he wakes up.

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