Surprise visit

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Chapter 2

The next morning I woke up from the bright sun shining through the open curtains. I squinted my eyes and covered my head with the covers. I must have forgotten to close the curtains last night. I sat up straight ans stretched my arms above my head. I was so thankful that there was no pounding in my head.

I pushed the covers off of me and put my feet on the hardwood floor. I padded to the en suite bathroom to do my morning routine. I stopped and traced my fingers over the leather jacket that was draped over the chair in my room and smiled sadly as last nights events run through my mind.

I even dreamed of him and I must admit I am quite sad that I will most probably never see him again. Maybe that kiss was his way of saying bye? I sighed and carried on to the bathroom.

After I was done in there I walked over to my closet and pulled out a pair of yoga pants and a sweater. I changed into it and put on my running shoes and grabbed my iPod from my dressed. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and made it down to the lobby.

"Good morning Miss van Dyk." Ron, the other doorman said to me with a smile as I walked passed him.

"Morning Ron." I waved at him and then put my earphones in my ears and put my iPod on shuffle as I started jogging. Of course the first song to play had to be an Eminem song. I was going to skip but I happened to love this song. It was Beautiful, a song I related to more than once in my life.

Once I jogged around the block once, and might I add it was a big block. I made my way back up to my apartment. It was around noon now and I was starting to get hungry. I made my way into the bathroom and switched on the water in the shower and waited for it to warm up before stripping of my clothes and getting under the warm stream of water.

I washed my hair twice to get the horrible smell of smoke out of it and of course the sweat from my jog and then washed my body. I hummed to myself as I finished off my shower. I stepped out and dried myself off then walked into my room and to my closet. Since I had nothing to do today I was just going with my comfortable pair of skinny jeans and my black hoodie.

I pulled the hoodie over my head when I heard my phone chime from my night stand. I walked to it to see a text from my younger sister Kellie.

Kellie: I know it's short notice, but Allen has a business dinner tonight. I was wondering if Mase can maybe stay the night?

Me: Why hello to you too Kellie. Yes thank you I'm doing great and you? Of course it's fine. I was going to go fetch him for the day anyway tomorrow.

Kellie: I'm sorry Kia. I was a little stressed out and out of options. Thanks Kia, I'll drop him off at about 5. Love you sis!

I rolled my eyes with a smile and locked my phone. I loved my little sister and I loved my nephew even more. I felt bad for her though since she was only 6 when our mother left. It was better that way though. She was never the best mother to begin with. I was so happy when Kellie met Allen. He was a respectable young man that was currently an intern at his dads accounting company. Yeah he was 25 and older that Kellie, but he was good to her and Mason.

He wasn't Mason's biological father but he loved him like he was his own. Kellie got involved in the wrong crowd when she still lived with my dad. She was rebellious and started doing drugs and shit, but when she fell pregnant with her boyfriend at the time, he just left her. She moved in with me and a few months after Mason's birth she met Allen at the coffee shop she worked in. He accepted her and Mason and even adopted Mason. I was very thankful for him.

I dried my hair with the drier and then made my way to the kitchen to get something to drink. I poured myself a glass of orange juice and welcomed the tangy taste. I walked over to my leather white couch and took a seat. I tucked my feet under myself and switched on the tv. I was looking through the channels when the intercom phone ringed. I sighed and got up walking to it.

Can I Make It Without You? (Eminem)Where stories live. Discover now