Quality time

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Chapter 9

I've been laying awake in bed god knows how long just staring at the ceiling. Is it weird that I was awake because I knew I was going to miss Marshall so damn much? This weekend spent with him was so amazing and I don't want him to go. I sighed and turned on my side to face him and Whitney.

I smiled and tucked some hair that was in her face behind her ear. She slept between us the whole night. I didn't mind that though. I've already grown so fond of all three of them. They were really great kids, Marshall did a good job at raising them. I've always wanted children of my own, I just haven't found the one I want to spend the rest of my life with yet.

Kellie told me to go to a sperm bank, but I shot that idea down faster than you can say hi. I wanted to have a child with the man I love and that I know will be there for my child. I know what it was like to not have my parents there for me. It sucked and I wouldn't wish that anyone else.

I saw Whitney stir so I quickly turned on my other side and acted to be asleep so that she wouldn't find me staring at her and Marshall. I closed my eyes and evened out my breathing. I felt the bed move and then I heard how she padded over to the door, the door opened and then clicked closed again. I let out a sigh and then I felt an arm come around me and pull me back.

I smiled and snuggled into him as he pressed his body up against mine. I felt goosebumps cover my skin as he gave me a kiss in the crook of my neck. I placed my hand on his that was around me and laced our fingers. The heat that radiated off of him warmed me up from the outside in as I slowly started to drift off again.

I woke up some time later to find that we have moved. Marshall was laying in his back with my head in his chest and my arm across his stomach. His one arm rested on my thigh of my leg that was hitched up over him and his other arm that was around me was on my ass. I smiled and lifted my head to see him still asleep so I placed a small kiss on his chest and then his arms tightened around me.

"I thought you were asleep?" I said looking up at him.

"I'm just enjoying the moment." He said with his eyes still closed. I let out a sigh and put my head back down on his chest. "What's wrong baby?"

"Today is Sunday." I said in monotone.

"Yeah I know that. I still don't see the problem?" Marshall said in a deep sleep laced voice still. Holy shit it was a turn on and what made it worse was that I was completely pressed up against him and yes, I did feel his morning erection against my thigh.

"Well you see, if today is Sunday then that means tomorrow is Monday." I said with another sigh. I looked up to him again to find him staring at me. "Which means I have work again in the morning and you leave."

"It's only for a few days Kiana. I promise to call and text as much as I can." He said cupping my face with his hand that was resting on my thigh. I smiled at him and then he pulled me to his face as he kissed me gently. Like he was afraid I would break or something.

"You know, you really should stop doing that." I said cocking my head to the side.

"Doing what?" He asked with a small frown as he tucked some of my hair behind my ear.

"That. Being all sweet. I might just have to tell the world what a sweet guy and softy you are." I said letting out a giggle after. His eyes widened and in a flash he flipped us over so that he was hovering above me with both my hands in one of his above my head.

"I ain't no fucking softy." I said scowling down at me.

"It's ok. Your secrets safe with me baby." I said with a sweet smile. He rolled his eyes with a small smile and leaned in to kiss you.

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