Collapse- jin

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It was around noon when you woke up. You noticed that Jin was missing and decided to go look for him to bring him to bed to cuddle. It didn't take you very long to find him.

Jin was in the kitchen cooking something that smelled very nice.  It always makes you happy seeing Jin doing something that he loves, so you decide against taking him away to cuddle.

"Jin, what are you cooking?"

"Your favorite!" Jin replied
[(A/n) what is your favorite food?]

"Ah Jin where's the headache
medicine?" You ask while rubbing your temples.

"Up in the cabinet. Watch the food make sure it doesn't burn and I'll grab it."

Jin walks over to the cabinet and grabs the medicine for you, then walks back and hands you the pills.

"Thank you", you smile at him.

"No problem jagiya", he kisses
your forehead.

You get bored watching Jin cook so you go in the living room and look for something to entertain yourself with. As your walking, you feel the blood rush to your head and you lean against the wall to try to regain your balance.

You look over your shoulder to see if Jin noticed, but his back was turned, concentrated on his cooking.

Scared, you walk back to the kitchen just to be near Jin.

"Can I help you in anyway?" You ask.

"Yes! Can you cut these for me?" He asks politely handing you a knife.

You start chopping up the vegetables trying to ignore the  excruciating pain in your head. You finish chopping the vegetables and walk then over to Jin who was watching the food.

You inhaled deeply taking in all the scents of the food before handing Jin the vegetables.

"Thank you Jagiya!" Jin says, kissing your forehead lightly.

As you turn around to walk away you get another wave of dizziness, but before you could steady yourself you fall, hitting your head of the counter.

Jin turns around, obviously startled buy the thud thinking something got knocked off the counter.

When he sees that it's you and your head is bleeding he starts to freak out.
"Oh my god! Are you okay? Please be okay.."
Jin quickly kneels down beside you trying to get you to regain consciousness. When he can't he gets up to call for help.

"Please be okay...", he whispers gently while holding your hand.

A/N: hellooo!! 😄 I hope my few readers are enjoying these. I know they're bad but I try

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