Chapter 6:
Jason's P.O.V.
I called Ryan and Chaz to sit with Avery so I could go out. I'm at my favorite club, The Zero Nineteen. I don't know why it's called that but the bartender makes some badass mixed drinks and right now, I need the best he's got.
2 hours later and I've already downed about 5 shots of whiskey, 2 shots of tequila, and a martini or two. I was tipsy and when I get tipsy I get pissy so the bartender cut me off. I was walking through the dance floor to leave when this slut decided she wanted to come all up on me. She put one hand under my shirt and started kissing my neck.
"You know you want me baby." She whispered in my ear trying to be seductive and sexy. Usually this would turn me on but right now she is pissing me off.
"Get the fuck off me whore! You're not Avery!" I pushed her off of me and stormed out of the club.
Avery's P.O.V.
Jason said he had to go somewhere and left me with his two "best men." I locked myself in the bathroom and haven't come out since. They tried for about an hour but eventually gave up on trying to get me out. They can't really blame me though. I am scared and confused.
"Avery, just come out and eat before you starve to death!" One of them yelled to me through the door and I quickly replied with "I'm not hungry!" Of course my stomach had to make the sound of a dying whale at that exact moment. I heard him laugh and then say "I heard that, darling! Just come out and eat! If you don't then I will be forced to break the door down!" I sighed and got up and walked to the door opening in slightly and walking out.
The boy was handsome. Actually, they both were. Neither could compare to Jason, but they still were nice looking. "See that wasn't so hard." One of them said laughing as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch. He handed me a McDonalds bag and a cup. If was a Big Mac with French fries and a sweet tea, my favorite.
I scarfed down the food and as I was taking the last bite of my French fry when I heard a car door slam and Ryan, I think, mumble "shit." I knew it was Jason. I was still upset about what he did to me earlier and by the sound of him slamming the door, he seemed angry. I got up and ran to the bathroom and locked the door just as the door to the warehouse opened and slammed closed.
I could hear Jason yelling "Where is she?" Ryan and Chaz started arguing with Jason. A minute later it got quiet and I heard a car drive away and footsteps coming to the door. "Ave, open the door princess." Of course, it was Jason.
"Open the damn door!"
Next thing you know, he broke the door down and walked in straight to me. He squatted down to look me in the eyes since I was sitting on the floor and put a hand on my cheek. I could smell the alcohol on his breathe.
"Oh Avery..... You don't know how bad I want you. It's just so hard to control myself sometimes..."
I just looked at him. Confused and scared were an understatement. I sniffled a little and he continued
"Aves, I don't think I can go another second without having you..."
He then pushes his lips against mine forcefully. I'm to shocked to kiss back and honestly, I don't want to kiss a drunk person. He pulled back and growled "Kiss me back or else..." Then he leaned in kissing me again but this time I kissed back.
He pulled apart a minute later and pulled me up by my hand before turning me around and shoving me into the wall making me squeal a little. He just smirks and started kissing my neck. I didn't like where this was going but it was getting harder and harder to suppress the moan he knew I was holding back. He put his lips right bellow my earlobe and started sucking, and biting and licking. I couldn't help it anymore I let the moan out and I could feel him smirk in satisfactory against my skin.
He lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me to the couch and laid us down and started kissing me on the lips again. His tongue glided against my bottom lip asking for entrance which I shockingly allowed. He then went to lift my shirt and I pulled apart.
"Jason.. Please don't make me go that far. I'm not ready." I whispered as I began to tear up. All he did was kiss my nose then get up and walk to his office slamming the door closed.
I laid there crying. I covered myself with the blanket that was there. I was so surprised he stopped like I asked him to. I eventually drifted off into a deep sleep with everything that happened that day still on my mind.

It Just Happened
FanfictionI want that girl. I know its not good for me but I do. I know that if i keep her around to long, than things are gonna come up.... Bad things that I don't want her to know about. But I need her now. Ive become attached and its far to late now. She'l...