Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

*Avery's POV*

This last week with Jason has been great. We got all my stuff from Ryan's house and I'm living with Jason again. Chaz and Nicolai live here to and they seem to be getting closer. Jason finally told me the truth about everything that had happened.

Anthony did shoot him and he did die but Nicolai saved him. That's why the body disappeared. Anthony and Jason joined up to take out Ryan because he was the biggest threat. Anthony is now part of Jason's gang and he lives with us. Turns out, Anthony is my best friend Rosie's dad. She ran off to Australia with some surfer dude once she freaked out about Justin Bieber being killed. If only she knew.

Jason is now after Kaydin and Klay because they are the biggest threat. He's been in his meeting room with his gang for almost six hours. I'm super bored and there is absolutely no food food in this house. I sigh and turn off the tv. I walk over to the meeting room and beat on the door. Some guy I didn't know answered it.

"What?" He asked rather rudely.

"Tell Jason that his fiancé needs to speak with him. NOW!" He calls for Jason who soon appears at the door.

"Adam, you speak to my fiancé like that one more time and your head will be splattered on the wall. Apologize to her." Jason spoke authoritatively.

"I am so very sorry, ma'am. Please forgive me."

I nodded and Jason told him to get lost.

"What's wrong, baby? I'm in the middle of a meeting."

"Jason, you've been in a meeting for six hours and I am starving." I whine.

He kisses my head. "Give me twenty more minutes and I'll wrap this up. Go get dressed in something nice and I will take you out to dinner."

"Fine." I groaned. He kissed my head one more time before going back into the room and closing the door.

I walked up the stairs and into mine and Jason's room. We moved to a different room that would be more suitable for the both of us. As in, it's not to manly, not to girly, and it has two closets. I walk into my closet and start searching for the perfect dress to wear. I pick a red strapless dress that reaches mid thigh. The dress has a lace over lay that gets longer in the back. I pick some red and silver heels to match. I left my wavy curls down. I added a read clutch, and silver accessories and walked out of my closet. I was shocked to see Jason already dressed and sitting on the bed.

"Baby, I said twenty minutes not forty." He laughed. I blushed. I had no idea I took that long.

"I just wanted to look good for you." I spoke seductively as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"You always look good to me. You keep talking like that you won't need any clothes."

His voice vibrates in my ears sending shivers down my body. He's always had that effect on me but now it's getting harder to resist.


"That was a nice dinner." I say as we walked into our bedroom.

"I agree."

"Jase, can you unzip my dress for me?" I turn around and pull my hair to the side. I could feel his presence behind me. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "Gladly." He started kissing my neck as he slowly unzipped my dress. My female parts were dying right now and all I wanted was for Jason to touch me.

When the dress was finally unzipped, it fell to the ground leaving me in my black lace undergarments. I turn around and connect my lips to Jason's. I let his tongue explore my mouth as I begin unbuttoning his black shirt.

He pulled away. "Baby, are you sure you're ready for this?" I nod and reconnect my lips to his. He lifts me up and walks over to the bed. He lays me down and starts undressing before climbing on top of me. "This is so illegal." I mumble.

We both laugh then he pulls the covers over us and leans down to whisper to me, "Tell me if it hurts to bad and I will stop." I nod and bite my lip.

*Jason's POV*

I was almost finished when the door burst open and I hear Adam mumbling on about something.

"Hey! Ever heard of knocking?" I shout at him.

"Sorry, boss, but there is an emergency! We have a traitor and our plan has been told to the target!"

I groan. Someone always has to ruin a perfectly good plan.

"Give me like ten more minutes and I will be done."

He nods and walks out the door. I look down at Avery, "Where were we?" She giggles and kisses me.


"Baby, I have to go take care of this. Stay in bed and rest. When I'm finished I'll run you a warm bath."

I kiss her head and walked out the door while sliding on my white t-shirt. I head down the stairs quickly and straight to the meeting room. All the gang was already in there waiting for me.

"Okay, guys. First off, knock before entering my room no matter how big the emergency is. Interrupting a mans business before he is finished is not swaggy."

All the men started cheering and I just laughed. Boys will be boys.

"Down to business. What the hell is going on?"

Adam stood up. "Sir, Anthony has betrayed us by telling our plan to the enemy."

"Where is that bastard?" I growl.

"With the enemy, sir."

I groaned and rolled my eyes again. "Plan B is a go." I pull out my gun and and cock it. I smirked, "Let's tear some shit up, boys!" They all cheer and pull out their guns.

"Grab all the weapons and explosives and meet me out by the car at 0900." I shout as I head out the door. I race upstairs to mine Avery's room to tell her. When I open the door, the bed is empty so I check the bathroom and closet which are both empty. I run out the room calling her name. No answer. I race out to the cars.

"They took Avery again! We don't have another plan so we'll stick to the same one but you all better make sure that nothing happens to my fiancé while all the shooting is going on. If something does, I will personally shoot every single one of you in the head. Got it?" I heard a bunch of replies as I hopped in the car.

We pulled up making sure to rev the engines and slam the doors. We want these guys to know we are here.

"Shoot everyone on who isn't one of our guys. Let's go."

We walk up to the building. Down goes the two guards. I let my men take care of the other men while I go find Avery. I bust into the office to see Kaydin, Klay, and Anthony.

"Why can't you just leave your damn hands off my girl?"

"She has something we need." Kaydin responds.

"Get over it. You're not getting it." I spit back. Chaz and Nicolai walked up behind me.

"Oh, I think we are." Klay clicked on the tv and I saw Avery strapped to a table. She was passed out and a doctor was standing over her. I told Chaz and Nicolai to go find her.

"You better not hurt her." I shout.

"Or what?" Kaydin laughs.

I held up my gun and shot a bullet right through Klay's head. Kaydin started freaking out. He was shouting, "You should not have done that!"

He pulled out a gun and I hid behind a chair. It's me against Kaydin and Anthony in a shoutout. Anthony is such an amateur. I took him out easily. Kaydin, on the other hand, not so easily. Bullet were flying all around the chair. I let out a few cuss words as a bullet went into my abdomen. I stood up, receiving two more bullets in the stomach, and shot Kaydin right through his eye.

My head started spinning. I fell to the ground. I was groaning until I blacked out.

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