Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

*Avery's POV*

"Kaydin slow down before we wreck!" I was clenching onto my seat as Kaydin sped around big curves. I was scared and all I wanted was Jason even if he had lied to me. I needed him to save me.

I started crying hysterically again and screaming Jason's name. All the sudden I felt a pain in my head and my eyes start to droop as everything went dark.

*Kaydin's POV*

I had to hit the bitch in the head with my gun and knock her out to get her to shut the fuck up. She was driving me insane.

I sped up a little more going about 120 around some curve. I wasn't scared at all. I use to drag race every weekend so this is nothing to me. I did not expect though, for their to be a vehicle in my lane. I tried to swerve but the side of our cars still hit and I went off into the ditch hitting a hole and sending the car rolling. I didn't even have time to register what had happened before I passed out.

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