Chapter 20

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*Avery's POV*

I opened my eyes and groaned seeing nothing. I looked over to see Ryan driving. He looked over to me.

"Hey, you're awake!

I mumbled out something along the lines of, "Where are we going?" But I guess he understood my sleepy voice. He responded with, "I told you that I would get you out of there and take you somewhere safe so that is exactly what I am doing."

I was now more alert, but I still felt groggy. "What about my stuff?"

"I packed you some clothes and the necessities because I didn't want to wake you. Jason doesn't even know we left and he don't know where we are going. We should be there in about three minutes."

I nodded my head then turned back on my side to look out the window. As hurt as I am about Jason doing that to me, he is the only person I want right now. He is the one who makes me feel safe even though I trust Ryan.

I had been so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize we had stopped until Ryan opened the door and outstretched a hand to help me out. I took his hand and clambered out of the car following close behind him. We walked up some steps and entered the small home. As I soon as I walked in I let out a gasp and Ryan's jaw dropped to the floor. On the couch was Chaz making out with a guy. They instantly pulled away and Chaz had a shocked yet terrified expression upon his face. The other guy didn't seem to mind though.

He got up and walked over to us. He smiled and shook my hand, "Hi, I'm Nicolai. I'm Chaz's boyfriend."

Ryan's eyes widened, "Holy-"

"Shit!" I finished for him.

Chaz got up and ran over to us, "Guys, I didn't want you to find out about this! It was suppose to be a secret! I'm gay. Please don't hate me!"

I walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him. "Chazy I would never judge you! You're sweet, and loving. Being gay doesn't change who you are as a person just who you like."

He hugged me back, "Thank, Avery."

I nodded. "You two kids have fun down here and we will go upstairs. Not to much fun though." I winked and grabbed Ryan's hand pulling him behind me up the stairs. He lead me into a room and we walked over and sat on the bed.

"Who would have guessed that Chaz is gay?" I laughed. I wasn't making fun of him. I'm simply shocked.

Ryan shook his head, "I should've known." I looked at him confused, but he just shook his head. "The story is really personal."

I placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's okay, Ry. I won't force you to tell me, but I want you to understand that you can trust me."

He took in a deep breath then exhaled slowly. "When I was a kid, about five, my mom's boyfriend beat me then dropped me off on the road somewhere. Chaz's parents were driving back from a business meeting and found me. They took me to a hospital and ended up adopting me. I was playing a game on Chaz's iPad one day when we were about 12 and I found a few pictures of a boy. One picture had hearts all over it. I even found one in the night stand beside his bed. I never said anything or thought to much about it but now it makes sense."

All I could say was, "Oh." I was speechless after his story but thankfully he changed the subject. We ended up talking and laughing all night. We played around until we noticed the sun coming up.

"Avery, I think it's time for you to get some sleep." He kissed my head then got up to walk out the door until I stopped him.

"Ry, please stay with me?"

He nodded and smiled as he took off his shirt and his pants then climbed into the bed beside me. I scooted closer to him making him chuckle and wrap an arm around my body.


A/N: it's short so that it leads into the next chapter.

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