Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

*Jason's POV*

"We have news on your wife," the doctor says looking at me. "She had preeclampsia which is high blood pressure after the 20th week of pregnancy. Considering she had a seizure, it is now considered eclampsia. She is under twenty and this is her first child so she was at a higher risk for this condition. Is there a chance that she is pregnant with twins?"

My eyes widened. "I have no idea. We haven't got an ultrasound yet."

He nodded and looked at his clipboard. "Well, if you follow me we will do one now."

I nodded and followed him down the hall. My hands got more sweaty by each second. I want a child, I really do, but I do not want twins. I also want my princess to be okay.

The doctor walked into a room with me following close behind. There Avery was laying in a bed. She saw me and smiled. I pushed the doctor out of the way and ran to her. I kissed her head and grabbed her hand.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. She nods her head. I lean in and kiss her lips being very careful to avoid the oxygen tubes.

"I love you." I whisper to her as I pull away. The doctor clears his throat. I roll my eyes and sit down in the chair next to the bed.

"Okay. Ma'am, how do you say you're name?" He asked her.

"Ave - ree - ann - uh."

"Okay, Mrs. Averyanna, we are going to do an ultrasound and see how your baby is doing."

Averyanna nodded. She pulled up her gown making sure her lower body was covered. The doctor squirted the cool gel on her growing stomach making her flinch at the chill. I squeezed her hand to give her comfort as the doctor started moving the wand over her stomach. He point to the screen, "There's your baby. Do you want to know the sex?"

"Yes." Avery and I said at the same time.

"If you look right there," he points to a place on the screen, "It looks like a turtle. It's a boy."

I watch as tears form in Avery's eyes. She told me on the roof that she wanted to have a baby boy and then a girl so the brother will protect the sister. I agree. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my baby girl and a big brother could protect her.

"Jase," she looked at me, "Maybe my dream will come true."

I smiled at her. She is absolutely beautiful. Even with a big bump for a tummy.

"The heartbeat is strong and everything looks okay, but I want to keep you here for a few days for observation." The doctor said.

"I'm not leaving you, baby. I promise." I say to her as I kiss her head.

The doctor quietly walks out of the room and soon after Nicolai and Chaz walk in. Chaz hops on the bed beside Avery and Nicolai sits on the end of the bed.

"Hey, baby cakes! How ya doin'?" Chaz chirps.

"I'm good, honey bunches."

"Wow, you're getting fat." He says as her runs her stomach.

"Chaz, she's pregnant." Nicolai slaps his head. "So, what is it? A girl or a boy?"

Avery looks over at me. "It's a boy." I respond.

"Ooh, you can name it Chaz Number Two."

Averyanna laughs. "Chaz, you know I love you, but there is no way I am naming my baby that. If it's okay with you," she looks at me, "I was thinking of naming him Justin."

I smile. "That's fine, baby."

"Justin Drew McCann." She smiled.

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