A/N: not edited!!
It Just Happened 16
*Avery's POV*
I awoke to someone gently shaking me. I looked over and saw Jason smiling at me and saying, "We're here, princess." I smiled back at him and sat up straight to undo my seatbelt. He got out and walked around to my side. He opened the door and slid and arm behind my back and under my legs carrying me bridal style. Closing the door with his foot he began walking up to a house and I nuzzled my head in his neck.
He walked up the walkway and I looked up to see a huge house with bushes surrounding it. I gaped at it with my eyes wide. Jason noticed me staring and spoke up, "Has to be big enough for my top gang members and my princess." He looked down at me with adoring eyes as I looked back into his blushing.
He walked inside and laid me down on a couch. He sat down lifting my legs and putting them in his lap. "This is a beautiful home, Jase."
"You will have your own room because I didn't know if you will be comfortable sharing with me. I will be right next door if you need me. Come on and I'll show you." He smiled as he stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me with him up some stairs. He stopped at the third door on the left. He covered my eyes with one hand making me giggle then opened the door and guided me inside.
I gasped. This room is gorgeous! "Jase, this is perfect!" I looked around again and then ran to jump in his arms. He spun me around and kissed my temple. He held onto me like this is the last time he would ever hold me. He sat me back down wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me close and put his forehead onto mine. "I love you, Averyanna. Only you." He whispered gently against my lips.
He pulled away. "I have a meeting to attend downstairs with the boys. I need you to stay in your room for a little while and my bodyguard Bull Dawg will be outside your door if you need anything. Anything at all. If you need drink, food, a new bed, the president, even me just tell Bull Dawg and you will get you wish, my princess. I will come get you in a bit for dinner time. My room is right next door just so you know." He winked when he finished his last sentence and kissed my cheek before walking out the door.
I decided it would be best to get a shower and freshen up. I walked over to my bathroom and started the shower. I undressed myself and stepped into the steamy shower. After scrubbing, bathing, and washing, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my head and body. Walking out into my room and into my closet, I began digging to find something to wear. I figured something simple since I really wouldn't be going anywhere.
I laid around my room for what felt like hours just watching tv and reading magazines. I really had nothing better to do. I eventually decided to take a small nap.
I awoke feeling very uncomfortable. When my eyes finally adjusted I realized I wasn't in my new room but an old dirty one. I was also chained to the bed. I looked around the room but couldn't see much because the lights were very dim. There was a mans evil laughter sounding through the room making me whimper.
"Look who we have here. It's Jason's little 'princess.' You made yourself so easy to take! You shouldn't have gone to sleep." He continued his evil laugher as he stepped forward into the light.
"Who are you?" I tried to yell but my throat was so dry it came out small.
"Me? I am your worst nightmare. Worse than that Anthony guy. I am like the devil in disguise. I am like-"
I rolled my eyes. "Can you just get to the damn point and tell me who the hell you are!"
"Feisty. I am Klay Allen James." He smirked as he finished speaking but I was not amused.
"I thought you were dead!"
"I thought I was to, but I guess not. Anyway, time to take care of business. We can do this the hard way or the easy way. Does Jason have the chip?"
"I don't know what you are talking about."
I suddenly felt a stinging sensation in cheek. This asshole just slapped me!
"Tell me! I could torture you in ways you couldn't even imagine, doll face!"
"Jason will come for me!"
He laughed that evil laughed again and spat out, "He won't! You know why? It's because he doesn't love you!" With that said he stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him. I just laid there crying and screaming Jason's name.
*Jason's POV*
I was in the middle of an important meeting with the boys when my phone rang. It was Kaydin's number. I answered it and put it on speaker. "Hello?" I answered the phone questioningly.
Responding was none other than Kaydin himself. "Hey, Jason. Just to let you know we have Averyanna. You want her back alive bring us some supplies."
"You're bluffing. She is upstairs in her room right now!" I looked at Ryan who got the hint and ran out.
"Jason, you an I both know I am not bluffing." He chuckled evilly as Ryan ran back in and shook his head.
"Where do I need to meet you?"
"You know, Jason." I clicked in and looked at my guys.
"Group A get the drugs. An ounce a piece. Group B get the amo. Not our good stuff. Ry, Chaz you're with me. Move out, now!"
We got all the stuff and loaded up in the vehicles heading out. It only took about 20 minutes to reach the warehouse. I walked in with Ryan and Chaz making everyone else wait in the cars. I burst through the office door standing in a dark room.
"Where's Avery?" I yelled at him as my veins popped out of my neck.
"Oh, about that... Yeah, let's see. I need that chip, man."
"That wasn't the deal!"
"Why does it matter anyway? Does wittle Jason actually care about someone? You know that if you do then we will kill her. That's a promise."
*Avery's POV*
I walked in seeing Jason standing there and I smiled. That smile soon fell when he began to speak. "Of course I don't care about her. I pretended to love Averyanna so I could use her. I saved her because I still haven't got what I wanted from her and I am determined to get just that. She is not important and means absolutely nothing to me."
I gasped making Jason turn around. He didn't look at all fazed. His face was blank. I turned and ran out the door but the guards would let me out the front door. I stopped in the hall and leaned against the wall putting my head in my hands as I cried.

It Just Happened
FanficI want that girl. I know its not good for me but I do. I know that if i keep her around to long, than things are gonna come up.... Bad things that I don't want her to know about. But I need her now. Ive become attached and its far to late now. She'l...