*Avery's POV*
I stood up against the wall trying to catch my breath as I watched him walk away. I was so confused. One minute he was so sweet and happy and the next he was dangerous and intimate. It was scary but really hot.
I walked home and put my phone on the charger and then got in the shower. Once I got out I wanted to call Justin to see what happened. I am still kind of in a daze. I picked up my phone looking for the name 'JayBear'. I found it and clicked the call button making it run twice and then go to voicemail. He rejected my call so I tried again and it went straight to voicemail.
I sighed grabbing my phone and running out the house. I needed some air and I knew a run would help me relax. I ran a few blocks and started circling the park when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me behind some bushes. I couldn't scream because there was a hand over my mouth. I noticed it was Justin.
"If I let go of your mouth you can't scream ok?" he said and I nodded my head. He let go of my mouth and I notice his other arm was around my waist.
"I tried to call you" I mumbled.
"I know."
"Then why did you reject my calls" I yelled at him. He put his hand over my mouth and shushed me.
His look softened and he pulled me closer whispering in my ear "There are some things you don't know about me and I can't tell you but you can't be loud. I have people after me and I don't mean fans Avery. Bad, bad people are after me. I know I shouldn't be here but I needed to see you."
"Justin, what happened this morning?"
"I can't tell you" he whisper yelled as his hand went up to caress my cheek.
"Aye there you are Jason!!" I heard some guy shout.
*Justin's POV*
"Shit!" I whisper shouted. They found me and she is with me. I didn't want her to find out but these dumbasses are going to ruin it.
They were getting closer to us.
"Look Ave, you need to run to your house and go to your room and lock the door. Do not let anyone in your home and do not answer the door to anyone you don't know. Hopefully, I will meet you there. Now go hurry." She just looked at me dumbfounded as the guys were walking closer. This was really pissing me off.
Jason is coming out. I was getting angrier by the second. I turned her around and pushed her to go. Just as she was about to start running one of the guys grabbed her.
"Let her go Anthony!! She has nothing to do with this!!" I yelled just making him laugh.
"Oh Jason.... You know she is right in the center of this." He smirked and looked at me.
I looked at Avery knowing she is confused and knowing she may hate me after she sees the real me. I looked back at him when he spoke to me with two men holding me back. "Jason, your little princess isn't going to want to see you anymore after she sees this."
"It's Justin you douche!"
"No no no.... By the look in your eyes, Justin is long gone."
"This has nothing to do with her!! Let her go!!" I yelled through gritted test has my jaw clenched.
"You know she has everything to do with this! I think it's time for her to meet the real you."
"You wouldn't..."
"Oh Jason, you and I both know that I will."
He walked over to Avery and ran his hand across the side of her face. Now that really pissed me off!! "Don't fucking touch her!" I said sounding like the hulk.
Of course that jackass just finds it funny and smirks before speak to her "Darling, precious and sweet little Averyanna Marie Matthews-"
"How do you know my name?!?" She yelled at him.
"I know more than you think. Jason over there or excuse me 'Justin' knows more than you think to. You see, that boy over there is not who you think he is. His real name is Jason McCann. Him and his brother Alex were bombers so I recruited them into my gang but turns out little Jason here is trader. He told my rival gang where we were and got half of my gang killed including my best friend. That pissed me off. To get back at dipshit over there, i kil-"
I finally wrestled my way over to him and hit him repeatedly in the back of the head making him fall. Once he was knocked out I pulled my gun from my waist band and shot both the guys holding Avery in the head. I grabbed her and ran to my white lambo parked on the other side of the bushes.
Once we were both in, I sped off and before she could even speak I stopped her.
"Look Ave, I know you're confused and I know you have a ton of questions but I can't answer them at this moment. I can't take you home either. We are going to one of my back up places because when he wakes up he is going to be pissed and looking for us. I promise I wont hurt you babe. I know you're scared."
"Wh-wh-who ar- are y-you?"
"I'm Jason. Jason McCann..." I smirked. I've been waiting for so long to be back. To be bad. Now it's time.

It Just Happened
أدب الهواةI want that girl. I know its not good for me but I do. I know that if i keep her around to long, than things are gonna come up.... Bad things that I don't want her to know about. But I need her now. Ive become attached and its far to late now. She'l...