Chapter 15

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....the door swung open to reveal a person I was not hoping to see right now.


*Jason's POV*

There in the doorway stood Kaydin in his hospital gown. He was bruised up and had a cut with stitches just above his right eye.

He walked in shutting the door behind him. I was so pissed off that I just wanted to walk over and hit him but instead I tried to keep calm. I spoke through gritted teeth, "Why would you do that to me?"

He gave me a pleading look and spoke innocently, "She's lying to you, boss! I didn't do anything! Are you really gonna believe her over me?"

"Yes. For one, she's the only girl I've ever loved. Anthony is always one step ahead of us and it's really screwing up our missions. What she said and how you've been acting add up. I have every reason in the world to believe her!"

His look changed to anger. I smirked at him being pissed off. He walks towards me a little before bringing up what I knew this was all about.

"You wouldn't know what love was if it hit you in the fucking face with a brick. I mean you did kill one of your own gang members and paid people to cover it up!"

I let out a sarcastic laugh and stepped forward coming face to face with him. "Is that what Anthony told you? Let's see who the real liar is here. I saved yours and Klay's life. I knew you had no where to go and I gave you, for free, a home, clothes, and food. I didn't force you two into the gang. You chose it. I cared for you, saved you, and paid you. I did everything I could to help both of you. Why would I kill someone that I spent so much of my hard earned money on, that I tried my hardest to protect and keep safe?"

Before I could even think, a bullet soared through the window hitting Kaydin directly in the chest. I ran over to him as he was falling and heard him gently mumble out, "I'm sorry, J-"

He didn't have a pulse and I knew he was gone. I stood up and looked out the window. There was a sniper from Anthony's gang on the roof of the building next door. Ryan and I ducked down. I crawled over to Avery's bed standing up enough to pick her up gently and pull her to the floor with me.

Times like this make me wish I wasn't half naked in a gown.

Ryan's phone started ringing. He hurriedly picked it up putting it on speaker phone. Chaz's voice rang out through the speakers. "I'm outside in the Rover. I brought clothes for you and Avery, boss... Shit, get down here now!"

I could here a gun click over the phone. Ryan hung up immediately and we crawled out the door shutting it then standing. I held Avery in my arms bridal style as we raced out of the building. We got outside to see Chaz standing outside of the rover holding a gun and Anthony's men surrounding him.

"Ry, I need a gun?" He nodded and pulled one out the back waistband of his pants. He hand me the gun and I handed him Avery. I told them to go hide behind a pole while I took care of the men.

I walked up, aimed my gun, and shot one in the back of the head. The other me watched the guy fall. Once they noticed me they took off running. I was feeling a little comical so I decided to shoot one in the foot while he was running off and laughed as he limped.

Chaz relaxed a bit. "Thanks, boss. Your clothes are in the backseat. I can drive till you get dressed and then we can pull over and trade?"

I nodded as Avery and I climbed in the backseat and Ry and Chaz up front. I held up a sheet so Ryan and Chaz couldn't see as she changed. She put on some grey sweatpants with one of my plain white t-shirts and some high top Adidas. We traded and she held the sheet while I got dressed. I put on some black jeans, a black shirt, black leather jacket, and some gold high tops.

"Chaz let me drive. Ry, in the back." Chaz pulled over so I could get in the drivers seat and Avery in the passenger seat. Once we started going again Chaz spoke up. "Where are we going, boss?"

I smirked. "I know just the place."

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