December 1st

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Hope you enjoy...

"You may be the best physical therapist there is, but I don't want your help. I do not need you. So why don't you go back to where you came from and stay the hell away from me." were the gut wrenching words Ana heard him say to her, making her heart explode in her chest.

Ana expected resistance from Christian and knew that he was going to be on this 'so called war path' against the world, at the moment seeing her as his greatest threat/ enemy. However, she didn't expect Christian to be this cold and unforgiving. As Ana looked straight at him, she saw nothing else but utter pain, agony and hurt in his eyes... Six years ago, before she left, Ana only saw love and admiration, whenever she locked eyes with him. But even as she searched into the depths of Christian's beautiful eyes, those things were nowhere to be found, no matter how hard she tried. They were gone...

"Christian, I..." she began, but rudely got cut off by him.

"Bye, Ana. I hope I'll never see you again." He commented, and grabbed his phone from his coat pocket.

Ana was so taken aback by his reaction, making her whimper, her lips trembling as she attempted with all her might to push the sobs back into her throat.

Christian dialed a number and spoke to the person on the other side of the line." Taylor, get me out of here. Now." He ordered.

"I don't give a damn, just get here and bring me back home. Now! Am I being unclear?" Christian said, with a very annoyed tone in his voice.

He then hung up the phone and without looking back at Ana, not even once, Christian put his phone back and placed his hands on the wheel chair. As he swiftly turned said wheelchair around in the direction of the exit, Christian rolled himself out of the gym.

Ana desperately wanted to call out to Christian, and tell him to at least let her take a look at his legs, but the words stayed stuck in her throat. Why was her voice failing her at that exact moment? Ana did not understand it... not at all! She also held her hand out, wanting to reach for him, and attempted to follow him. But of course, her legs choose that moment to also be uncooperative. Crap!

All the instructions her brain were giving to her legs and voice were ignored by said voice and legs. It was like her whole body was deliberately taunting her; Ana swore that she heard a little voice laugh at her.

Rooted to the floor, Ana saw almost in slow motion how Christian disappeared from her view.

~ December 1st, eight years ago ~

"Kate, I've got nothing to wear!" Ana hissed, as she pulled different clothes out of her closet, and placing them on her bed.

"Oh, come on, Ana. Just wear that slutty red dress I bought you last week." Kate replied, as she walked into Ana's room with a curling iron in her hand, while doing her hair.

Ana groaned and glared at her best friend." I'm not going to wear that! Correction... I'm not going to this party, I've got exams the day after tomorrow!" she announced, and lied down on her bed, her eyes closed.

"Oh come, on Ana! Don't be like this! You've ignored me for two weeks now. You never have time for me anymore! When I wake up, you're already out the door and when I get home, you're still on campus studying with your new buddies." Kate complained, while lying next to her best friend.

Ana growled and opened her eyes." Alright, alright. I'll go to this super stupid party, just promise me to not get me in any trouble, OK?" She asked, as she looked at Kate.

A wide smile instantly appeared on Kate's face, as she heard Ana's reply. Kate hugged her, while still lying on the bed, almost crushing Ana with the force of her hug.

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