What I want is revenge!

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"Yes, my daughter was married to 'El diablo'..."

As those words reached his ears, Christian instantly grabbed Ana by the hand." Sweetie, we have to hurry home. We'll call the FBI on the way and warn them about Hailey! I'm almost certain she's working with that bitch Elena..."




... In the meantime ...


With bloody hands, a black eye, a broken nose and his lips torn, Sawyer looked down at the lifeless body before him. While tears pricked his eyes, and a huge lump formed in his throat, he grabbed the white blanket Special agent Kelly had handed over to him.

She had a cold look in her eyes, and then she spat at the lifeless body." You got what you deserve..." Agent Kelly snapped, and then walked away from the spot.

As tears pooled in his eyes, Sawyer placed the blanket over the dead body.

Yes, that blond, huge man was a ruthless, merciless, and heartless thug who had surely taken a lot of lives in his lifetime. (He had done awful things for 'El diablo', because she ordered him to do so.)

However, Sawyer had a big heart and hated, he really despised it, when he had to take a life, when on the job.

And in this case, it was even harder, because in the fight, he lost grip of his gun, and so he had to fight the thug, one on one. Luke had defended himself, and killed 'El Diablo's' bodyguard in the process using only his fighting skills...

Yes, Sawyer had killed the man with his bare hands, and watched in horror how the life in his blue eyes had died out...

'I had no choice.' He kept telling himself.

Oh, yes. The thug most definitely put up a good fight, because Sawyer was injured, his ribs probably needing medical attention again. But there was no time. They had to leave right away!

Agent Adams and Agent Kelly were waiting for him in the car, so Sawyer hastily grabbed his gun from the corner of the room. And without looking back, he strode with excessive speed towards the black SUV.

Adams opened the door for him and asked." Do you want medical attention?"

Sawyer groaned in pain, and took a seat in the car." Nope... we have to head to Christian Grey's mansion right away."

"But, boss you're inju..." Agent Kelly began, but he cut her off harshly.

"Grey's mansion! Now!" Sawyer demanded, so Adams stepped onto the gas pedal in response.

While attempting to breathe, an unbearable pain shot right through Luke, making him close his eyes in utter pain...

"Maybe we should bring you to the hospital first?" Agent Kelly suggested, while giving him a concerned look.

"No... I'm fine!" he shouted, but regretted it right away.

It hurt so fucking much!

His ribs weren't healed yet from his encounter with Elena Lincoln's bodyguard that happened barely three weeks ago, and during their fight from minutes ago, that thug had fucking thrown a couple of punches at those same injured ribs.

"Fuck!" Sawyer hissed, his eyes still closed.

"Are you OK, sir?" Agent Kelly questioned.

He let out a deep breath and opened his eyes." I'm fine..." he lied, and then glared at his other colleague." Adams, why the fuck are you driving like a grandma?! Step on the gas, will you?!"

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