He still loves you

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It was a nice dinner, there was no awkwardness and they all seemed to enjoy it. Everyone engaged in flowing conversation, even Grace and Carrick spoke with each other.

It was perfect.

From the bar, Christian observed his family and never felt happier. As he looked over to Ana, the corners of his lips curled upwards into a smile, his heart melting for her.

She was feeding little Jason, and talked to Mia. They both looked absolutely happy.

While pouring a drink for himself, he noticed his mom walking up to him.

"Need any help, Christian?" Grace asked, and stood beside him.

He shook his head." No, mom... I can manage..." Christian said in a convincing manner.

"OK" she said, and took a seat on one of the stools." Can you pour me one?"

"Of course, mom..."

"Thank you, sweetheart." She replied, and smiled at her son.

"Nice dinner, don't you think?" Christian asked, while pouring her a drink.

Grace nodded in response." Honestly, yes. I'm having a good time, dear."

Christian watched his mom, and noticed how much she had changed over the years. The wrinkles around her eyes are visible, and he also noticed gray hairs on her head.

As he watched his mom, he felt guilty all of a sudden.

Why? Well, Christian felt guilty about not spending much quality time with only his mom.

Their lives were so hectic, and they all were usually in a group together, since their time in the safehouse and right after they returned back home.

It's been seven months since Grace was kidnapped by Hailey, and during that time, Christian just hadn't taken the time to talk about her. Yes, he asked her about her health, since she got out of hospital and brought her to her monthly check-ups. But, he didn't go alone with her.

It was always with Ana, Elliot, Gail or Mia.

They usually were in a group together, and that's great and all. Christian had been there for her recovery each and every step of the way, and made sure Grace had and received everything she needed.

And since three months ago, Christian went to the office every day to work again.

Well, that obviously was a relief to his COO. Cause she had taken over his job, since the whole 'El diablo' ordeal.

Honestly, Christian never felt happier; being CEO of his own company again and having his whole family in his life, especially his Ana...

His life was hectic still. So, it was never just the two of them together.

That's why Christian didn't know how his mom was dealing with life, especially now that she saw his father frequently during family gatherings.

Well, right now was the perfect opportunity to ask her, he decided.

"Here's your drink, mom" Christian said, and handed Grace the glass.

"Thanks, dear..." she said, and took a sip from it.

"Mom? How are you doing?"

Grace locked eyes with him, and smiled." Everything's fine with me, sweetheart... don't I look like I'm doing fine?"

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