We"ll always love you, little brother

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... The next day ...




Sawyer still had his eyes closed, but concentrated on listening to the noises around him. As his brains worked overtime to register all the different sounds, he moved a bit, and felt a sudden unbearable pain.

Crap! Everything fucking hurts...

"Beep, beep, beep, beep." Was what he was hearing, and two other familiar sounds.

He made an attempt to open his eyes, but failed miserably. So, he concentrated on the sounds and the scent in the room. And by combining the two in his head, he knew exactly where he was.

'I'm in a hospital room' were the words that swirled around his head, as he let out a deep breath.

But was he safe though? Was he in good hands right now? The last thing he remembered was the conversation he had with his colleague, Simms...

Sawyer's heart contracted inside his chest, as he remembered that she had died... Simms was shot and had bled out right in front of him...

'Why Simms? Why?' he thought, and attempted to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat.

After a little while, Sawyer finally was able to open his eyes.

Correction, he could open only one eye... the right one. Why? His left eye was still swollen shut, courtesy of 'El Diablo's thug who had tortured him.

As Sawyer scanned his surroundings with his right eye, he noticed the equipment and saw only white...

Yup, he most definitely was in the hospital! Even taking normal breaths hurt like hell, but Sawyer gritted his teeth, pushed forward and made an attempt to sit up. Every muscle in his body screamed from pain...

Fuck! 'El Diablo's thug sure beat him up good, huh! He was in a hospital gown and felt very silly in it, so he looked around, wondering if someone brought him normal clothes.

While attempting to get out the bed, Sawyer felt an excruciating pain inside his chest.

"Fuck!" he cursed under his breath, while tears pooled in his eye.

The pain was so unbearable! He placed his open palm over his chest, and took normal breaths. And yet, that pain was still there. Ugh! That thug must have broken a couple of ribs!

"Asshole!" he cursed aloud, and tried getting out the bed anyway.

However, he barely took two steps, when his knees gave out.

"Shit!" he said angrily and ended up on the floor.

"Mr. Sawyer!" he heard a female voice say, so he looked up.

"Sorry" he said, and attempted to get up. However, his body refused to cooperate, so the woman helped him to get on his feet.

"You need your bedrest." The older woman said, while she helped Sawyer get into bed once more.

"I'm so sorry, nurse." He apologized, looking at her with pleading eyes." But I need my phone... I've gotta report to my boss."

The nurse shook her head, and said." Nonsense... you need to rest. Your injuries are severe, young man. Stay in bed."

"But, I..." he began, but the nurse harshly cut him off.

"No buts... just lie down... don't let me make you" She warned, making Sawyer nod and obey her." Don't be stubborn, Mr. Sawyer."

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