Meant to be

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Important note: This flashback will give you a lot of info about the last two days before Ana left Christian, six years ago.

[The flashback in this chapter is the continuation of the flashback of chapter 7: The secret...]

xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx    xxx     xxx 

As Ana's eyes fluttered open the next morning, she decided to stay in bed just a little longer.

"Five minutes." Was what tumbled from her lips, as she stretched her body lazily.

Her mind instantly brought her back to the events of the day before. After Mia and Christian had one heated discussion( no, it was more like a fight... no, a battle) that lasted almost an hour, Mia decided to go back home.

Or to be blunt; Christian decided that for his little sister.

Way to go, Christian. Now Mia had one more thing to add on her 'list'.

The list of reasons why she hated Ana's guts. Ugh!

"Well, it is what it is." Ana whispered.

Now she had to focus on doing her big task. She was very happy and not to mention surprised that Christian had decided to accept her help.

While still lying in bed, Ana threw a quick glance at the clock and saw that it was 5:30 in the morning. She decided then that it was time to get up and get ready. Ana wanted to prepare for the long and exhausting day that lay ahead. From experience she knew that the first day was the hardest.

As she made her bed, Ana let out a deep breath. Even though it's been six years, she still felt that gnawing pain in her gut, whenever she saw or thought about Christian.

She was this close... this close to marrying him then. However, after her mother wrote the name of the child that had died fourteen years ago, and she had asked Christian about it, everything turned into chaos.


She shook her head furiously at that." No! Tell me, please. Tell me where he died? Did it happen here in Seattle?"

Christian let out a deep breath and shook his head." No, it happened in New York." He replied, his voice breaking at the end.

As those words reached Ana's ears, it instantly went dark before her very eyes, the burden of those words too much for her heart and body to take.

As Ana's eyes fluttered open slowly, a bright light shone in them." Ouch." She whispered, as her eyes fluttered shut, while carefully massaging her temples.

Man, her head hurt as if someone had hit her with a brick. Crap!

"Ana? Are you OK, sweetie?" she heard a familiar voice say from afar.

"Christian?" she said softly, and attempted to sit up from her lying position.

"Please, lie still on the bed, Ana." She heard him say lovingly, as he gently helped her lay down." The doctor is on his way. He'll be here within a minute or five."

"OK." She replied, and let out deep breaths.

What had happened again? She wondered, as her eyes landed on her wonderful boyfriend.

Aah, yes. Christian had just confirmed her suspicions about the incident of eight years ago. It was indeed his little brother who had died that tragic, rainy evening...

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