Let them burn!

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As soon as the white door closed, Christian looked at Murphy.

"What is it?" he asked." What is it that you don't want Ana to know?"

In response, Murphy gave Christian a serious look." Here is the number of someone who knows exactly where to find Elena's second in command." He said, while handing a piece of paper over to Christian." Mannie has his own ways to make people talk."

"I don't get it" Christian told him, and gave Murphy a confused look." Why are you giving this to me? Special agent Sawyer will be here ASAP, I assume"

Murphy shook his head." My 'guy' and his buddies are mercenaries, and they do not work for free" he explained without blinking." If you want to stop Elena's second in command from detonating those explosives, you will need Mannie and his men."

"Why? Why do we need to go on this illegal route?!" Christian shouted, and hit the table so hard that even he was startled by it." This is why you asked Ana to step out. You don't want her to witness that you are just as bad as Elena Lincoln"

Well, that hit a nerve." You know what, give that back! Give me back that fucking piece of paper!" Murphy shouted, while giving Christian a poisonous look." You think you can save Seattle without Mannie's help... well, go right ahead!"

"The FBI will find Elena's men and they WILL discover the locations of the bombs... That's why they're FBI!" Christian countered.

Murphy chuckled and shook his head." They will, I believe it too... but not on time" he told Christian" Do you know how I know that? Because I know that BITCH... you think she'll make it easy for Sawyer and his colleagues?! I highly doubt that"

At this point Christian had enough of it." Here! Take it back!" he spat, and threw the piece of paper in Murphy's face." I'm out of here..."

Without looking back, Christian moved with his wheelchair in the direction of the door.

"Don't come running back to me, if the FBI can't save Seattle, Grey!" Murphy shouted, but Christian ignored him completely.




Ana was impatiently pacing the hall, when she saw Christian move towards her.

"Hey, what did he say?" she asked, the moment he had reached her.

Christian sighed, and said." He has a little army of mercenaries at his disposal, and he wants me to pay them."

Ana gave him a confused look." You have to pay them? But why? What for?" she fired the questions at Christian.

"So they will help bring down Elena's second in command, and prevent the bombs from being detonated"

Ana saw the defeat in Christian's eyes, and that's why she grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know... I want to talk to Sawyer first." Christian told Ana.

"I knew it." Ana whispered, while trying to swallow her tears." He's just as bad as Elena Lincoln... you cannot act like you've changed and have a fucking army of mercenaries at your disposal!"

Christian interlaced their fingers together and gave her a sad smile." Did you have hope, Ana? That maybe he really had changed?" he asked.

She nodded, and avoided his gaze." Yes... he's not my dad; Ray is. But, he's still my biological father and I had hoped that he would try... not for me, but for himself"

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