Six freaking long years

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"You were my precious one, Ana... you still are. And to think, six years ago, you had to deal with the whole ordeal all by yourself." he said, and locked eyes with her. He then brushed a lock of hair lovingly from her face. "Not anymore, my brave Ana. I am here for you... and I am never going to let you go again."

As those words reached her ears, Ana's eyes instantly fluttered shut for a moment. Christian kept his eyes on her and waited patiently for her.

"I know this must be so overwhelming, Ana." He pointed out." Look at me... I have all the time. You're not alone..."

Ana opened her eyes and for a second she locked them on Christian's. However, she broke eye contact with him once more and avoided his gaze, while a soft sob escaped her lips.

She wanted so badly to tell him that she never stopped loving him, and also all about Shawn's death and everything that happened after that.

Ana knew that the day had finally arrived for her to share this awful burden that she had carried on her shoulders for so long. Christian was here and she believed that he meant every single word he just said to her.

She knew she could trust him and that there wasn't anyone else in the world that she could trust more than him. The look in his eyes was so damned loving, and there it was again...

At the moment Ana saw in Christian's eyes what she had missed these past weeks. He was looking at her with love and admiration in his eyes...

Christian wasn't looking at her with that cold, bitter, repulsed, unforgiving look in his eyes any longer. (Like he had, the first day they met after 6 years)

There was no trace of resentment, anger or hatred in his beautiful gray eyes right now, making Ana feel as if the darkness in her heart that she had felt for so long had been switched off... and was turned into this wonderful bright and warm feeling in her chest.

It was then, when Ana decided to bare her soul to the man she loved with her whole heart.

"Chri... Christian, I..." she managed to say. "I ha... I know that..."

However, it felt like the words refused to leave her lips.

"It's OK, sweetie." Christian whispered, and gently cupped her face with his right hand, caressing her bottom lip with his thumb." I know you feel overwhelmed right now... but I've got all the time in the world for you."

Ana shook her head at that. "I ca... can do it..." she replied. " But pl... please don't hate me, after you've heard it all, Christian..."

As those words reached his ears, Christian shook his head. "I won't hate you, sweetie... look at me. Do I look like someone who can hate you?"

She smiled through her tears, and shook her head fiercely.

"Good." Christian replied, and looked lovingly at his Ana. "You are my everything, my beautiful Ana... I love you."

At one point he couldn't take it any longer, his heart bursting inside his chest, filled with only love for his Ana. He lost her once and now that he got her back, Christian wanted to not only tell Ana, but also wanted to show her how much he loved her.

As she locked eyes with him, Ana recognized this look of his...

'Can I?' he asked her without words, using only his eyes, while they landed on her lips for a brief moment.

So... Ana sucked in a breath and nodded, giving him permission, while her heart rammed against her rib cage, her breathing becoming shallow, the anticipation excruciating for her.

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