The video and the text message

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As Ana's eyes stayed plastered on the computer screen, her heart contracted in her chest. Doctor Collins... Rick Collins was a good man. He had helped so many patients who needed psychiatric help in his long career.

However, since he handled Carla's case, he unwillingly was dragged into the ruthless mess that was 'El Diablo'.

When the huge, tall blond man with lifeless blue eyes had grabbed Ana in Doctor Collins' office that day, six years ago, she was terrified and did as the thug instructed.

He pointed a gun at Ana, so to prevent from things escalating, she got up from her seat and was already on her way out the office. However, Doctor Collins refused to let her go and threatened the man.

"Let go of the young lady! I will call the Police... I know what you look like." He had said to the man with the blue, lifeless eyes.

Instead of scaring the man, the Doctor's threat made the huge, tall man laugh at him." You do not know who you're dealing with, do you? Watch your back, Doctor. You'll need eyes in the back of your head from now on." The thug said, the tone of his voice so cold it made a chill go up and down Ana's spine.

At that, Doctor Collins got up from his seat." I'm not afraid of you."

Ana was so afraid that the thug would hurt him, so she pleaded." Doctor Collins, please! It's fine, I will go with him... watch over my mom, please?"

The doctor locked eyes with Ana, and mouthed." I'm so sorry that I can't help you, Miss Steele."

She nodded and said. "It's OK... I'll be fine."

That made doctor Collins let out a deep breath, as he watched helplessly while Ana got dragged away by the thug.

And that's the last time Ana had ever seen Rick Collins alive...

He disappeared without a trace, and Ana knew that 'El Diablo' was the one responsible. However, she couldn't proof it.

And to make matters worse, when she came face to face with the man who called himself 'El Diablo', he threatened Ana, saying that if she didn't shut her mouth about Richard Murphy's involvement in the accident of Shawn, he would make her life a living hell.

"Think of your mom." he threatened.

"Leave my mom out of this." Ana said bravely, her voice trembling heavily.

During that time judge Murphy was running for mayor.

"Judge Murphy and I have great plans for the future... we've got plans for Seattle, and no one will stand in our way, Anastasia. Not your mom, or her psychiatrist, and most definitely not you, little girl. Keep your mouth shut about it, and you can live your life with the man you love for the rest of your life."

That was what 'El Diablo' told Ana, while a tear rolled down her cheek, and her body trembled from pure fear...

"Your mom will keep her mouth shut about it. Make sure she does not go to the authorities. Is that clear?" he stated, while staring Ana down.

Ana closed her eyes and nodded." Yes, it's crystal clear." she replied, her voice breaking in the end.

And yet hours later, after the blond thug had shoved her out of the black van, in the middle of the night, in front of Christian's house, Ana still decided to report to the Police. ( She told 'El Diablo' that her mom won't go to the authorities, but Ana didn't promise him that she wouldn't go!)

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