Hurt me... torture me... kill me

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"There were thr- three FBI agents... they uhmm... they've arrested him on suspicion of working with mercenaries" Mia uttered, and sank to the floor, sobbing aloud.



The first thing Christian did, was grab his phone and call Special agent Kelly.

"Kelly speaking"

"Special agent, I urgently need your help." Christian said into the phone.

Meanwhile, Ana led Mia inside and they both took a seat.

"Of course, what can I do for you, Mr. Grey?"

"Something suspicious has happened."

"I'm listening." Special agent Kelly said.

It was then, when Christian explained what had happened approximately forty-five minutes ago.

"No, something's definitely wrong." Special agent Kelly told him." I'm at headquarters right now, and ..."

"And?" Christian said impatiently, while moving around with the wheelchair.

"I'm not allowed to tell you this, but I'll inform you anyway..."

"Tell me"

"There is absolutely no warrant for Special agent Sawyer's arrest."

"What!?" Christian shouted into the phone, making Ana jump up a little. In response, Mia began to sob again, while gripping Ana's hand so tightly that it hurt.

"I know..." Kelly told Christian, her voice shaky.

"What do you think happened to him?"

"Wait... you said that Sawyer was 'arrested' by the FBI at home, right?"

"Yes." He replied, while nervously tapping at the handle of the wheelchair.

"There are a few cameras outside his apartment building... I'll check if I can see if one of the cameras caught the abduction."

Christian waited impatiently, and locked eyes with Ana.

She was terrified, tears pooling in her blue eyes.

"FUCK... FUCK.. FUCK!" Christian heard Special agent Kelly shout through the phone.

"What? What is it?" he asked." Special agent Kelly? What did you discover just now?"

"I gotta go, Mr. Grey... I have to inform my superiors" she told him." We have to take action right away"

"Tell me?"

In response, Agent Kelly let out a deep breath, and said. "Special agent Sawyer has been abducted... those men are NOT FBI"



... Meanwhile ...



Special agent Sawyer was gagged, cuffed and his feet tied up.

"I bet you are wondering what you're doing here, huh?"

Sawyer gave the leader of the mercenaries a deadly glare, and he tried to move forward. However, Allen, another mercenary grabbed him tightly and prevented Sawyer from moving.

"Well, it's nothing personal." Mannie told him." We take the side of the person who offers the most"

Well, in response Sawyer began to tug at his restraints and tried shouting, but his voice was muffled by the gag covering his mouth.

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