You left us, mom!

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Ana watched in horror, as Grace threw daggers with her eyes at her.

Then Christian's mom stormed towards Ana." Get your filthy hands off of my son!"

"Mom, calm down!" Christian said, his brows furrowed, while he moved his wheelchair in between Ana and Grace.

Grace clenched her hands into fists, but didn't back down." You and your mom are both disgusting! She left him there!" she shouted, while her whole body shook from anger and disbelief.

Tears pooled in Christian's eyes, while he watched his mom in agony, imagining what she was going through at the moment." Mom, please... don't do this now."

However, Grace continued." How could she?! How could a woman who has a daughter of her own, leave my baby boy on the street!" she yelled, while breaking down, and then sank to the floor.

Ana stood in the middle of the room, devastated about Grace and what she must be feeling right now. She understood Christian's mom, because she was shocked and furious too, when she herself found out that her mom had left Christian's little brother on the street after the accident.

"Grace." Ana started, and gently tugged at her hand, asking Christian without words to let go of her... So he did.

"Ana, I don't think it's a good idea" he warned, but she insisted.

"Let me, please." Ana told him." I need to do this... my mom is partly responsible... I have to do this, Christian"

When he finally agreed, Ana also sat on the floor and tried making eye contact with Christian's mom." Mrs. Grey?"

At hearing Ana say her name, Grace looked straight in Ana's teary eyes. "Why? He was my boy... he was my precious little boy and they left him on the street like he was nothing!" she sobbed.

At that moment, Ana felt sick to her stomach, all of a sudden being plagued again by the image of her mother's white bloody dress in her mind.

"How could she leave a child on the sidewalk like that?!" Grace shouted, and grabbed Ana on her upper arms, gripping her tightly.

When he saw that, Christian moved with his wheelchair and stopped where the two women sat on the floor." Mom, it's not Ana's fault... I told you the whole story... so please, get up."

Grace locked eyes with Christian and said." Her mother did such a horrible thing, Christian..."

"Yes, but Ana is not at fault here." he explained." Let go of her arms, mom... you are hurting her."

Instead of letting her go, Grace gave Ana a deadly glare instead." Senator Murphy is a monster for doing what he had done, but your mom is disgusting for keeping that secret!" she sobbed, and kept putting pressure on Ana's upper arms.

As tears ran down her face, Ana looked Grace in the eyes and said, her voice trembling." You are right. My mother was wrong... for lea- leaving your son... leaving Shawn like that and for keeping that secret. She should've called the Police immediately and sh... should've sta- stayed with your son..."

As those words tumbled from her lips, Ana felt as if her heart shattered into tiny pieces, the ache so fucking unbearable. And yet she continued."That's what my mother should've done, Mrs. Gre-"

But it was then, when Christian's mom cut her off mercilessly.

She looked up at Christian and sobbed." Why? Why do you do this to yourself, Christian?!"

He shook his head and asked, his brows furrowed." What are you talking about, mom?"

Grace harshly let go of Ana and got on her feet." She's just as disgusting as her mother!"

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