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Christian knew at that moment that he was in real trouble. He shouldn't have gone to the pier. Crap, crap! As his eyes darted towards the pier, he noticed how the wood was cracking open underneath the wheelchair.

'I'm so screwed.' Was the last thing on his mind, as he felt the wheelchair and himself fall into the cold water of the lake.

He took one last deep breath, as he fully went under.

From a short distance, Ana had seen the whole thing and without hesitation, she kicked off her shoes and jumped into the water.

'Please, please, God. Don't take him from me.' She thought, while swimming with everything she had in her, towards Christian.

As she swam towards him, a thousand things bounced in her skull. Things like how Mia was going to blame this on her... how she wasn't sure if she was strong enough to save Christian... how much she wished that she had looked better after Christian, while they stayed here in the cottage.

A thousand and one feelings washed over her. Things like: the fear she felt, terrified to loose him in this manner... anger because he acted so reckless, resentment towards her mom...

Ana hated the word if. She utterly despised said word. However, if her mom had listened to her fourteen years ago and went to the Police, maybe then maybe this right now, Christian in the lake not able to swim, wouldn't be happening.

Maybe if her mom told the truth, Ana didn't have to leave the love of her life six years ago. But the thing is, she'd never know. That's what hurts the most...

Ana saw Christian sink into the cold water, then he emerged once, twice and then she didn't see him again. She was terrified, almost forgetting to breathe, as it dawned on her that he was under water and hadn't come up for air. Ana almost froze, but she shook the fear off and told it to go to hell.

At that, Ana dived under water, where she had seen Christian last. After a few moments, she went up for air, took a deep breath and went under once more.

No, no, no.... I cannot lose him. God, please. No.

Fortunately, Ana was able to grab him the second time and brought him above water. Christian's eyes were closed, making Ana's heart pound so hard against her chest, as if it wanted to leap out of it.

"Please, please. Christian, don't leave me." Ana whispered, as she held him tightly.

"Ana!" she heard a voice say from a distance.

As she looked in the direction of the voice, Ana noticed Mia swimming towards her. Never in her life, had Ana been so happy to see someone's face, as when she saw Christian's sister right now.

Christian was heavy in her arms, especially because he wasn't conscious. Ana desperately held onto him, as she hoped and prayed for him to be OK. Mia reached them and it was then, when Ana instructed her how they were going to get him to the shore.

Ana expected resistance, but fortunately Mia didn't give her any. Ana and Mia worked together, the two women who loved Christian with all their hearts, putting aside their differences and swimming to the shore as fast as both of them were able to.

In those moments, Mia watched Ana from time to time, on the verge of breaking down.

She couldn't lose her brother... no, that would truly destroy her.

Ana also locked eyes with Mia, understanding what was going through the young woman's head.

As they finally reached the shore, Ana attempted to catch her breath, exhausted from the difficult activity." He'll be fine. He'll be fine, Mia." She whispered, not sure if she was trying to convince Christian's sister or herself.

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