Thank you, Ana

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~ Three weeks later~

It's been exactly three weeks, since Special agent Sawyer received the text message, saying that 'El diablo' was on the move.

His colleagues had raided the place. However, it was like he was tipped off beforehand, because when they arrived 'El diablo' was nowhere to be found.

He had slipped through their fingers... again!

That very night, Sawyer left the safe house and continued his assignment.

Bring down 'El diablo', the senator and all his partners involved was Special agent Sawyer's new mission. And he intended on executing that important task, so the Grey family and the Steele family could be safe once again.

The FBI had been staking Senator Murphy's mansion out for weeks and had followed him daily. Sawyer and one of his men had also bugged Murphy's office and home.

However, three full weeks had gone by and yet Sawyer and his men were unable to catch Murphy in the act.

The senator did his job at the office and after, he went home. Up until now Sawyer and his men were unable to catch Murphy doing incriminating stuff. He didn't go to secret meetings and hadn't made any contact with 'El diablo'.

It was like Murphy knew that he was being watched.

"Fuck!" Sawyer muttered under his breath, as he walked out of head quarters.

He was beyond pissed at the news he received not so long ago.

Carrick Grey was attacked by three of 'El diablo's ' thugs, and that day only one survived.

They put up a fight against the FBI's tactical team, but lost and two were killed.

The one that survived, had been in intensive care for the past weeks. Sawyer couldn't wait to interrogate him and had been waiting patiently for him to recover.

However, instead of receiving a call from the doctor telling him that the patient was getting better, Sawyer heard from the hospital nurse that the criminal had died half an our ago.

"Fuck!" he cursed once more, and slid behind the wheel of the black SUV, and drove home.

The day had been long and exhausting, and so fucking unsatisfying. He craved a warm shower and rest, and wished he could sleep a whole week.

After parking the car in the garage, Sawyer went inside his apartment building.

He unlocked the front door and walked inside his home.

After his shower, Sawyer grabbed a pair of sweat pants from his closet and wore them.

He was hungry, but didn't have the energy to cook a meal or make a sandwich.

"Cereal it is then" he uttered, and sat at the dining table alone.

As hundred thoughts swirled around his head, Sawyer couldn't help but think about that gorgeous young woman.

She was feisty and loved teasing him...

'Just my type' he thought and smiled.

Gosh, it's been three whole weeks since he had seen her last. He didn't know her all that well, but one thing he did know.

And that was? Well, he really liked that gorgeous woman...

Sawyer was taken out of his thoughts by his phone buzzing.

Who could it be?

He grabbed the phone, and read on the display that it was Special agent Christa Simms.

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