Nobody will tear us apart

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The last chapters of this story will have a lot of flashbacks. It's needed so you know what happened, after Grace was saved and

Hailey was killed. My time jump is on purpose. Bear with me, please. Every question will have an answer in the last chapters.

For example: Who was the thug Ana recognized, the one who attempted to kidnap her? You will get answers. ;)

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.... Seven months later...



"Hey, what are you doing there, sweetie?" Ana asked, as she walked through the doorway of their private gym.

He looked up, and locked eyes with Ana. Christian was all sweaty, doing the exercises to improve the movements of his lower body.

"Well, just chillin'" he joked, while a sweat drop glided from his temple and down his cheek.
As she closed the gap between them, Ana looked lovingly at him." Want my help?"
He shook his head." Nope, I have things under control."

"Bet you do" she countered, and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"OK, you two do know that I'm standing right here, right?" they both heard Jose say." Clearly, I'm not invisible!"

In response, Ana gasped in an exaggerated manner." I didn't see you there, buddy" she teased.

Jose shook his head." OK, OK. I get the hint... I'm outta here" he said, and grabbed his towel and the bottle of water." Should I help you to get him in the wheelchair?"

"It's not necessary" Ana told her assistant.
"Tomorrow, same time?" Christian asked, while interlacing his fingers with Ana's.

Jose nodded." Yes, Mr. Grey." He replied, and locked eyes with Ana." What do you think? Do you think he's ready to do it?"

As Ana heard those words, tears began to pool in her eyes.
Christian looked up at her expectantly, while squeezing her hands so tightly it hurt her.

However, Ana didn't want to tell him. Instead, she took a deep breath and nodded.
"Yes, I think he's ready"


... Flashback ...

Ana walked into the hospital room, while her heart pounded inside her chest.
"Baby" was what Christian said, as their eyes locked onto one another.

In a flash, Ana reached his bedside and leaped at him.

"Christian... I was... was so afraid" she sobbed into his chest.
As tears rolled down Christian's cheeks, he held her oh so tightly.
"I was so afraid... I thought I was going to lose you again, my Ana..." he whispered, and kissed her forehead, after they pulled away from the hug.

As their eyes locked, Christian asked." How's my mom?"
She smiled through her tears." She made it... and the doctors expect Grace to make a full recovery. She's going to be fine, Christian... she just needs time and care to heal"

As those words tumbled from Ana's lips, tears of joy pooled in Christian's eyes." I'm so relieved to hear that"
Ana cried too, and kissed him softly on the lips.

As she pulled away from the kiss, Christian looked at Ana.
'God, I love her so much!' were the words that bounced inside his skull right then.

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