The accident

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The moment Christian shut and locked his bedroom door, he felt extremely tired, the feeling overwhelming him to the bone. He felt as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders. Never in a million years did he think he could be that cold to her. Ana... his Ana.

Christian saw, of course he noticed the tears pooling in her eyes. It took everything in him not to falter, almost letting his guard down. For her. She still had such power over him, he remembered. The kind that easily would bring him to his knees, she just had to say the words. Not so long ago, when Ana sat in front of him in the gym, Christian had such an urge to pull her in his arms like he used to. Luckily, he had a little restraint left, and was able to hold himself back. That's why Christian immediately called Taylor, because if he had stayed just a minute longer, he surely would have grabbed, and kissed Ana and tell her that he missed and still loved her...

Just the thought of her lips on his, made his heart flutter in his chest. If Christian tried hard enough, he could still feel the warmth of her body, whenever he hugged her all those years ago.

Ana was an excellent hugger. Her hugs were never awkward or quick, like Elliot's or Mia's. No, Ana's hugs were always tight and warm; a proper hug, she would call it. She was such a giver, not selfish like he was. When they were still together, Ana gave her all to him. She didn't have any reserves, or stupid invisible walls. Ana was open, and was always honest.

The Ana he remembered, from eight years ago, was the one he fell in love with. The kindhearted, yet feisty, honest and determined young woman who believed she could change the world by helping people, one at a time.

And now that he lost the ability to walk, she thought that she could help him... even save him? Does Ana really think that he would just let her come back into his life like nothing happened? Did she really think that?! Did she think it was that easy?!

Yes, he still loved her despite what she had done, but that doesn't mean he would just let her back in. No. A sarcastic laugh left Christian's lip, as he thought about it." You broke my heart and left, Ana. I want you to feel just a tad of the pain I felt then, and what I'm feeling now," he whispered.

~ Four weeks ago, on the night of the accident ~

...At Christian's mansion...

It was 7 in the evening, when Christian heard a soft knock on the door. He looked up and saw Mia standing in the doorway.

"Hi, Christian, wanna escort me to your company's party?" she asked, a smile gracing her pretty face," I swear no one asked me to talk you into going to your own party."

Christian shook his head, and locked eyes with her." Why don't you take a seat, Mia? I'll be done in a minute or two," He suggested, and motioned her to sit across from him.

As she took a seat in the chair, Christian's eyes instantly darted towards his computer screen." Today, is exactly six years ago when I had asked her to marry me." She heard him say, his voice sounding calm in Mia's ears, however she still heard the slight pitch difference when the word her tumbled from his lips.

Mia shook her head, and felt anger rising inside of her." Why do you do this to yourself, Christian?! Why do you keep hurting yourself like this! There are... I don't know, more than a dozen women I know who would want to be your girlfriend! And you know that they practically throw themselves at your feet every single day! Why can't you just pick one!" she hissed, the tears pooling in her pretty eyes, while glaring at her brother." Just choose a girl, Christian! Move on, and forget about her! Forget about Ana! You can't do it, can you?"

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