The skateboard

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Little did they know a 'hurricane' was on its way, attempting to leave a trail of destruction in its wake.

(A hurricane named 'El Diablo')

At the moment, Jose Rodriguez was being escorted into the huge building.

"Why have you forcefully brought me here? I must go back to the cottage!" he growled, as a man named Luke Sawyer led him into the elevator." My best friend Ana, she's probably in danger! Why are you treating me like a criminal?!"

"Mr. Rodriguez, I assure you that Miss Anastasia Steele is in very good hands right now." Sawyer replied and pushed the elevator button." Her employer Christian Grey, and the head of his security detail has made contact with the authorities.

As Jose heard the man say those words, he felt relief washing over his whole being...

Approximately six months ago, Special agent Luke Sawyer had approached Jose regarding his boss.


Jose Rodriguez was on his way to work, when a black SUV stopped right in front of his car.

Jose frowned and was about to honk the horn, but then he noticed a dark-haired man and a blond man stepping out the other car.

They both showed Jose their badges." Mr. Rodriguez, we need you to come into our office right away." the dark-haired man announced, and walked over to his car." Step out of the vehicle, right now."

Without hesitation, Jose did as he was instructed, and noticed how the man wanted to grab his arm." Wait, wait! Am I in big trouble? I'm so sorry about the speeding, I promise I was about to pay those..." he began, but the man cut him off.

"This is most definitely not about any tickets, Mr. Rodriguez. And no... you're not in any kind of trouble." the dark-haired man replied." This is about... well, we need your help. Just come with us and we're going to explain it all to you..."

Jose was already walking towards the SUV, when he groaned loudly." Wait! What about my car?!"

"My colleague will drive it to our headquarters, don't worry..." the young man replied, and helped Jose take a seat in the black SUV.

The moment they drove towards their destination, Jose observed the man who was sitting next to him. He was wearing a suit, and constantly looked around their surroundings.

"Are we being watched or something, mister?" Jose asked.

The man replied." I don't think so, but we cannot be careful enough and I'm always on high alert. We're dealing with very bad people, Mr. Rodriguez..."

Jose assumed that the man couldn't be older than 30.

"You know my name, mister... so, what's yours? I assume you're special agen..." Jose began, and waited for the man to tell him who he was.

The man sighed deeply and replied with an expressionless look on his face." I'm Special Agent Luke Sawyer... I've approached you Mr. Rodriguez, because we need your help regarding your boss Anastasia Steele."

As those words reached his ears, Jose looked flabbergasted at Special Agent Sawyer." Ana?! What... but why? What has she done?" he asked, almost tripping over his own words.

Sawyer sighed and replied." We've arrived at our headquarters, let's go inside and talk, Mr. Rodriguez. You have to tell us everything you know about Miss Steele. And when I say everything, I mean everything!"

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