El Diablo

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"Can I help you, sir?" Jose asked, his brows scrunched together.

"Where is Anastasia Steele?" the tall man demanded, as he looked at José with those lifeless blue eyes." Tell me now!"

José observed the man from head to toe, assessing the situation, contemplating what to do. As he stood there in front of the intimidating blond man, José could only think about the terrifying and haunting look Ana had given him, just a few hours ago.

Ana had told Jose that she couldn't tell him why she couldn't be with Christian. And now that he had seen the tall man in person, it made Jose wonder if her fear had something to do with this blond man...

"She isn't here at the moment." Jose replied, the tone of his voice restrained and even." What is it? Maybe I can give her a message? What is your name, sir?"

In one swift move, the blond tall man stood all up in Jose's face, while glaring down at him.

In his life, Jose had dealt with enough thugs and scumbags. So he stood his ground, his hands clenched into fists, ready to fight this man. The thug may be taller and bigger, but Jose was leaner and faster.

'I think I can take him.' Jose thought, and kept his eyes locked on said scumbag.

"Are you tired of your life, punk?" the man growled." Tell me where she is!"

At that, Jose looked him straight in the eyes." She is not here." He replied, not even blinking once." I'm her assistant; you can tell me what this is about. I'll make sure Doctor Steele gets the message."

The blond man huffed, while he kept glaring at Jose. However, he noticed that Jose wasn't backing down, he stood his ground and didn't falter one bit.

"Can I give her a message?" Jose repeated, his eyes still locked on the thug.

The blond man took a step back, and then grabbed something from his coat pocket.

"Give this to Miss Steele!" He ordered, while shoving something small in Jose's hand." Am I being clear?! Give it to no one else but her!"

Jose accepted the object, and nodded." Of course, I'll make sure my boss receives this."

The blond man looked at Jose with those lifeless eyes one more time, and then he turned around. Within seconds, he strode towards the black car and disappeared in it. Jose watched, as the car sped away. He stood motionless on the porch for a full five-six minutes, in deep thought, wondering how his 'strict, goody-two-shoes' boss could ever be involved with such a thug!

Jose assumed that someone higher up the food chain had sent the scumbag to pay Ana a visit. But why? How in the hell did his boss cross paths with those kind of people? He couldn't quite comprehend what Ana could've done to be on their radar!

As he shook his head, Jose's eyes landed on the object the blond man had given him. It was a flash-drive.

"Anastasia Steele...?" José whispered, while walking inside the cottage, and then shut the front door, his mind racing a hundred miles per hour. "What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into, boss?"

At the moment Ana was pushing Christian's wheel chair, her eyes darting from left to right, while taking in her surroundings.


The first time she had taken this path; she had been too busy searching for Christian and worried about his safety. However, today Ana had all the time in the world and Christian was right there with her, so there was no reason to worry about anything right now.

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