With trembling, bloody fingers

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IMPORTANT Author's NOTE: I'm writing this note to clarify the timeline, dear readers. This chapter picks up right after the first part of the previous chapter (chapter 19). So, after this scene:

As he watched all those images and read the message(threat) by 'El diablo' on the huge screen, Sawyer's boss immediately demanded." We need to warn the Grey family and Miss Steele's parents right away."

Now that Christian and Ana had contacted the authorities regarding the threats she received from 'El Diablo', Sawyer's boss knew that they had to act fast before it was too late...

After seeing what was on the flash-drive, Sawyer's superiors immediately gave him the assignment. It was Sawyer's responsibility to make sure The Greys, Ana, Ray and Carla were brought to safety.

With that, he received the green light from his superiors to use every resource the Bureau offered, including man power. Special agent Sawyer was in charge of this huge assignment and his superiors made sure the other agents knew that. He personally hand-picked thirteen agents to help him execute this big mission. And during the meeting, Sawyer divided them into six groups. So in total, fourteen agents were assigned the task of bringing the subjects to safety, that included Sawyer himself and their computer expert, Special agent Christa Simms.

(subjects, meaning: The Greys, The Steele's plus Ana's mother)

Fifteen minutes or so after Sawyer had given everyone their group assignments, he and his colleagues drove away in seven separate black SUV's from headquarters.

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At the moment, Mia was admiring a beautiful and very expensive outfit in one of the fashion boutiques in Seattle.

"Wow" she whispered, and let her finger tips glide over the fabric." It's so soft."

"It's one of a kind, Miss." The boutique employee insisted.

Mia smiled at her, and joked." Well, the price tag looks one of a kind too"

The older woman chuckled at that." Would you like to try it..." she began, but stopped mid-sentence, because of what happened next.

All of a sudden, three men in black suits hastily strode inside the boutique.

Before Mia and the boutique employee could process what was happening, they already stood in front of them." "Uhmm... can I help you gentlemen with something?" the older woman asked, her voice a bit shaky.

The men showed their badges and one of them looked straight at Mia." Miss Mia Grey, I am Special agent Sawyer." He said and gave her a stern look." We're from the FBI and we need you to come with us right away."

Mia couldn't believe her ears and looked at him with wide eyes. "But, but... what's..." she stammered and shook her head." What's going on, Special agent? I uhmm... why..."

Sawyer got very impatient and let out a deep breath." Miss Grey, you're in grave danger right now... Dangerous people are after you. So please, come with us." He demanded, and gripped her lightly on her upper arm.

Mia had been caught off guard by Sawyer's words, and was a bit in shock, so without protesting she let the agent guide her out of the fancy clothing boutique.

As he helped her get into one of the two black SUV's, the agent's words still bounced inside Mia's skull, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.' You're in grave danger right now'

The moment Mia had collected her thoughts, she looked over at Sawyer and asked." Why am I in danger, agent Sawyer?"

At hearing that, he threw a glance at his watch and looked ahead." You will get an explanation as soon as you and your family are all in a safe place." Sawyer replied, and then grabbed his phone from his pocket.

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