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before you read this i wrote this way back when i was bored😭 most of it isn't edited. i was like 15? SORRY BUT ENJOY?

It all started when I hung out Charles Gitnick, Joeys best friend

I had a huge crush on Charles, and everyone knew about it , I didn't tell anyone everyone just found out . I didn't want to go to school because everyone would bully me , but I had to because my mom would kill me.

I did my morning routine . I wore my new outfit ( picture of outfit above ) and I got on the bus and sat next to my best friend Natalia .

"Hey Sasha" Natalia said

"Hey Natalia " I said

We talked until I got a text I take out my phone and it says I'm added in a group chat I go on to chat and I see this

Mark: who's this Sasha girl ?

Charles: I have 4 classes with her and everybody is telling me that she likes me

Aaron : ooh Sasha Scott?

Charles: ya

Joey: eww she a whore

Sasha: I'm right here 🙄

Joey: I know 😊

I got off the bus and walked into school and ignored everyone. I turned off my phone and went to class . I can feel everyone's eyes on me when I walked in class.

Charles was popular , he was friends with everybody, I had my own group of friends we were popular too but we just didn't like being known as " the popular girls" . Ya I know ur wondering, why would Joey bully a popular girl ?

Ya I wonder that too

I walk into homeroom and sat next to my friends . We all talked about throwing a party this week, we were the noisiest table, everyone was listening to what we were talking about

"So are you and this Charles kid a thing?" Chloe said looking at me, everyone else in class turned around and looked at me . My face turned bright red

" Wait you like Charles gitnick ?" Bella said extremely loudly . The bell rang thank god I told Chloe to walk with me to the cafeteria to get some food . We got food and we went to go sit where we always sit .

Me, Chloe , Natalia , Laila , and Carlee always sat there everyone knew that , that table is reserved for us .

I heard my phone ring and I take it out to look at it

Mark: dude Sasha is hot af

Charles: Ya I know

Joey: ahaha nahh

My heart stopped when Charles agreed with Mark, I didn't care what Joey said because I only care what Charles thinks of me . After we finished eating we went to our next class, Charles was in that class , so was Mark and Aaron . The bell rung and I was late . I ran inside to see that someone is in my seat

"Ms.Nomina someone is in my seat " I told her

" Well if you weren't late you would know where to sit " She pointed at the desk Im suppose to sit at .

I walked over there and Mark was sitting next to me ughh this is so awkward and across from me is Aaron and Liam ! All of Charles friends .

I look around to see where Charles was sitting . He was sitting next to Emily .

Emily is the schools biggest slut , she gets with every guy , she's like a fboy but a girl version
I hated this class, I personally think History is stupid .

We learn stuff about the past , why get more into the past , when we are going into the future , like why do we still learn about George Washington like that shit is like back in the 1732's , were in 2017 !!

I took out my book and pretend to read I just took out my phone and started texting my other friends .

" you should get off your phone" mark whispered in my ear

"Nahh " I said looking at him

"Do you like Charles" Aaron said whispering

"No, I don't know " I said

" everybody already knows , so might as well just tell us " Liam said

"No ! Charles is cute but... " I said smiling which made it look like my Im lying which I was , I just can't help it when ever someone mentions Charles I smile .

" If you like him , you should tell him , your really pretty , he would never hurt you " mark whispered

" Sasha you are talking a lot go to the office and read there, your distracting my class"Ms.Nomina said

I snickered really loud , we have been in class for 30 minutes and the only thing she told us was the date and that we have to be quiet

"What's so funny " Ms.Nomina said giving me a angry look

"Hahah sorry nothing " I chucked

" get up and go to the office immediately " she said

I got my stuff and started walking to the office until someone bumped into me

Hope u guys liked it !! Leave a like / vote 💖💖💖💖


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