Part 54

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I took my phone out and called geo
I heard 3 rings and then heard his phone ringing

I furrowed my eyes and looked at the room next to me.
My heart started beating really fast and everything was going very slow.
I dropped my phone and looked at the room

I heard his phone going on
"Turn your phone off geo" I heard the girl inside moan

"Forget it" he said

It was geo.
A tear fell down my eye and my heart started beating faster and faster like it was about to jump out. I was shaking and I turned the knob and it was locked.

"Who is it" she said

"Probably someone drunk don't worry Clare" geo said

Did he just say Clare. Oh no

I got really mad and kicked open the door and there appeared geo and Clare having sex.
I walked in slowly and they turned and looked at me.

I stood in shock and looked at geo and then Clare.
I covered my mouth with my hands and shook my head

"This can't be happening" I look into geo eyes

Clare got up and changed immediately so did geo

"You fucking bitch" I jump on her

I turned my hand into a fist and started punching her face

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" I say trying to kill her in every way possible.

Geo pulled me off her and I saw Clare with a bloody face.
Everyone ran inside wondering what just happened

"What just happened" Jacob asked coming inside looking at the broken door.

Joey, Chloe, Mark, Bryce, and Bella ran inside

"What the hell happened to Clare" Bella said running to her

I looked at geo and cried
I got up and slapped his face

Everyone looked at me and geo and furrowed their eyes

"I hate you" I say slapping his face again but he grabbed my wrist before I could

I looked at him and my eyes started clouding up. I looked down and looked at my shoes

"Fuck you" I said kicking his balls and then pushed him on the floor

I turn around and left the room.
I grabbed a bottle of beer and walked out.

I got geos car keys and hopped in his car
I turned the car on and looked around

I drove off as fast as I could.
I looked around and saw a homeless guy right outside 7/11

"Can you drive" I pull down my window and look at him

He nodded
"Here's my gift for you" I give him the keys

His eyes widened
"Are you serious" he asked

"Yes" I smile

I gave him the car and grabbed my stuff and walked home. I put on my leather jacket and the sound of my black high heels clicking the floor with every walk
I tied my hair up and but on my sunglasses and walked around not giving a fuck.

"I always fall for the wrong guy" I wipe my tear

"Hey you need a ride" A car stopped right in front of me

I take off my sunglasses and looked inside the car
It was Joey
"Yes" I say opening the door

I sat inside and put on my seatbelt

"Geo told us everything" he said

I looked out the window took my sunglasses off.

"I'm sorry" he said

I turned and looked at him "why" I ask

"I just am" he said

"He cheated on me with Clare" I say

"Clare cheated on me with geo" he said

"Right" I say

"Wanna get ice cream" he said

"From where" I say

"McDonald's" he said

"There machine is probably broken" I roll my eyes and think of all the times they've told me there ice cream machine is broken

"Your right, let's just get something good then" he said

"Okay" I smile

He pulled up in the drive through and ordered a large fry with 2 drinks. He payed for the food and parked right outside McDonald

"Why'd you stop" I ask

"Let's just eat here, I don't want to go home" he  said taking a fry and shoving it in his mouth

It was 12am and talked for 3 hours. We went in the back of the car and sat because it was bigger

I laughed at this joke he told me and looked at him and smiled

"Did I ever tell you, I always fall even more in love with you whenever you smile" he said licking his lips looking at my smile

I bite my lip and looked at his eyes. I got butterflies in my stomach. He came a little closer and our lips were centimeters away.
He looked at me and smashed his lips onto mine.

He stopped and waited for me to react. I bit my lip and smashed my lips onto his.
It became heated and he took off my jacket and I helped him. He started sucking my neck and I sat on top of him and held his neck.

I slowly started moving my hips on his bulge to tease him. I took off his shirt and he took off my shirt.
(Too lazy to write a sex scene sorry to my horny readers😩)

1 chapter left. I think I might actually die

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