Part 13

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"Just leave me alone" I said putting away the razor

"Omg Sasha , don't do this " she said hugging me

"You now care , your were my friend , if I'm making a mistake you tell me not leave me " I said getting my bag and leaving the bathroom .

I walked around school , I went to a table and sat there . I was playing around with my fingers, and was just thinking .

"Yo Sasha" someone said

I turn around and see it's all my friends
They all started walking towards me

"We are so sorry , we made a mistake , will you forgive us " Carlee said

"Yes" I said whipping a tear

We all did a group hug

The bell rang which means it's lunch. We walked to the cafeteria , we got our food and walked to our table .

"So what happened between you and Joey " Bella said

"He was just using me " I said looking down

"Wow , what a dick" Chloe said

"What about you and Charles " Bella said

"He hates me" I said taking a bite out of my fry

"I'm not surprised, he liked you " Carlee said

"If I knew he liked me I wouldn't hook up with Joey , but when joey kissed me it felt so right " I said squinting my eyes

"You like joey ?" Chloe said raising her voice

"Shut up Chloe " I said giving her a death stare

"Omg you like Joey?" Laila said

I look down and nod my head . Aaron and Charles started walking by our table . Aaron sat down next to laila and Charles was just standing behind Aaron

"Hey baby" laila said smiling at Aaron

They kissed and were cuddling together

"Okay then" Bella said looking at her food and scratching her eyebrow

"Hahaha sorry guys" laila said looking at us and then kissing Aaron again

"I'm throwing a party this week, do you guys wanna come" aaron said

"We'll be there" Carlee said smiling

Charles and Aaron got up and left

"Ahh so exited" laila said

"Ya ahaha" I said

The bell rang . We all got up and walked to Chloe's locker . I layed my head on the locker right next to hers

"What's wrong" Chloe said

"It's just, I don't understand boys" I said looking down

"Don't think about it too much, Joey and Charles just aren't worth your time" she said closing her locker

We walked downstairs and started leaving school .

Test message

Laila: everyone come over to my house I can give you guys all a ride to Aaron's

Chloe:on my way

Bella :^


Sasha: be there in a few !!

I look through my closest to see what I can find . I take out a bunch of clothes and put them all together . ( outfit👇)

"Damn I look fire " I told myself I walked over to laila and I see her waiting for me in the car

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"Damn I look fire " I told myself
I walked over to laila and I see her waiting for me in the car

"Hey guys" I said getting in the car

"What's up " they all said

"Nothing" I said buckling my seatbelt

"I'm so excited ahhh" laila said

"What are you going to do" Chloe asked

"Hookup with Aaron" laila said winking

•At the party•

"What's up guys" Aaron said hugging laila

"Ahaha nothing " I said looking around

Laila and Aaron started making out by the front door which got really awkward so the rest of us left and went to the kitchen.

There was loud music . Everyone was all hype . It was very crowed, I was having a blast . I turn around and I bump into someone which made us both fall

"Hahah sorry" I said

"No worries " he said getting up

I look up and see it was Charles

"Oh hey Charles" I said

"Hey Sasha" he said and then walked away
I frowned . I started making my way to the kitchen . I opened the kitchen door and I hit someone that was behind the door

"Omg I'm so...." I look up and see it was Joey

"Ouch" he said

I walked right passed him and he grabbed my arm

" you didn't say your sorry " he said squeezing my arm

"Let go of me" I said moving my arm aggressively

He let go of me and I ran outside .

" chloee" I said hugging her

"What's wrong" she asked

"I , it's just , I'm , um , ugh nvm" I said and then walked away

I couldn't tell her . The words wouldn't come out my mouth . I went back inside and went upstairs . I went inside Aaron's room . I sat on the bed crying . I hate joey for doing this .

•10 minutes later•

Someone opened the door . I turn around and see it was joey . I wiped my tear .

"What's wrong" he said sitting next to me on the bed

"Nothing" I said whipping the tear off my cheek

Joey raised his eyebrow, he knew I lied to him
"Fine , I'm not okay , and it's all you fault" I said

He came closer to me, our face were inched apart. He held my cheek. Now our lips were centimeters . He leaned in and .....


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