Part 28

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I call Charles

Sorry this number is unavailable

I texted him multiple times. I texted Tyler but he didn't answer.

"JOEY" I yell

"What" he said getting up

Everyone else got up as well

"What's wrong" Chloe said standing up

"I-I-I-I cheated on C-C-Charles" I stutter
I started shaking and broke down crying

"What are you talking about" Spencer said hugging me
"What happened last night"

"Oh yah" laila said looking down

"What happened someone please explain. I have no idea what happened past night it was such a blur" I cry

"You were dancing on joey and you guys ended up hooking up, you thought it was Charles" Chloe said avoiding eye contact

I look at joey and run to him
"This is all your fault" I said holding a fist

"Yo, Sasha chill" laila said pulling me away

"Fuck you joey" I said kicking him

"I didn't know you thought I was Charles" he said

"You should've stopped me!" I yell

I got up and walked outside and started crying
I call Charles and texted him

Text message
Charles BABAY
What happened last night I'm so confused
Char answer the phone please

he left me on read. I got up and walked myself home which was 20 minutes away. As I walk to my house I always pass by Charles.

I passed by Charles house and knocked on his door
The door opened and it was tyler

"Hey" he said looking down

"Where Charles" I said walking inside

"He's in his room but I wouldn't go in there if I were you" he said stopping me

"Let me go" I said pushing his arm off. I ran upstairs and opened Charles room and he was i
On his bed crying

"Charles baby" I said running up to him

"Get out" he said

"Char let me explain" I said trying to calm him down

"I don't give a fuck, you can't make up an excuse for this Sasha. Get out" he said raising his voice

"NO CHARLES" I yelled and then started crying

I held his cheek and wiped a tear that came down his eye

"Charles, I'm so sorry" I said hugging him

"You always do this to me, if you want joey just go ahead" he said

"No char, I want you" I said kissing him passionately

I let go of the kiss and I smiled "I didn't know it was joey, I thought it was you"

"How, I have blonde hair and he has brown hair and green eyes" he said

"I was high and it was a blur, I'm so sorry Charles, I love you" I said kissing him again

"Awww" tyler said peeking through the creek of the door

I laughed and looked at Charles

" I love you and only you" I said putting my chest head on his chest

"No sasha" he said

I look at him confused "no Sasha what"

"I can't have my heart broken from you anymore, you've done this too many times" he said

"Char don't do this" I shake my head

"I'm sorry Sasha but we're over" he said

I look at him shocked. I got off the bed and walked out crying.

I opened the door and walked home. And my mom was there. I ran back out and wiped my tears. I dry my eyes and walked back inside

"Hey mom?" I asked confused

"Hey darling"she said

"Why are you here" I said

"My business trip is over and I have a surprise for you" she said jumping up and down

"What?" I asked

"So me and Jen decided to go to a trip to Hawaii" she squealed

"Ok" i said

"Your coming too" she smiled

"Oh even more fun" I roll my eyes

"Ya, she's going to bring her kids too and we are going tomorrow so go pack" my mom said

"But I have school tomorrow" I said

"There's only one more week of school left and they won't count that so your not going" she laughed

I walked to my room and cried in my pillow. I miss Charles. I took out a suitcase and started packing everything

"Hey" Sarah walked in ( Sasha's sister)

"Hey" I said putting clothes inside

"Hawaii how fun" she said sarcastically

"I'm pretty hyped it's just I want to talk to Charles and I can't" I said wiping a tear

"Do you know who we are going with" Sarah asked

"Mom said her friend Jen but I have no idea who she is" I laughed

"Ohh that's Bellas mom, this is gonna be so fun she's my best friend" sarah smiled

"Who's Bella" I laugh

"Bella Birlem" she said

I turn around
"Did you just say Birlem?"

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now