Part 2

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I look up to see who bumped into me it was Joey .

"Hey Joey " I said smiling

"Hey Sasha" he said "where are you going "

"Ms.Nomina told me to go to the office because I was disturbing her class" I said rolling my eyes

"Oh well I'm ditching wanna join" he said

"Sure" I said smiling .

My school is really dumb if you ditch you won't get noticed, if your making out with someone they won't catch you, but if they do your in big trouble but they most likely won't.

"So do you like Charles " joey asked me

"I don't know " I said

"Well I can tell you some things Charles likes about girls, and how you can get him to like you" joey said

"Really " I said excitedly

"Ya" he said

Joeys P.O.V
I just asked Sasha if she wanted me to tell her what Charles sees in girls but I'm going to tell her the opposite . Im going to get Charles to hate her because I like Sasha and I don't want Charles to like her or he will ask her out . I'm going to tell Sasha what Charles likes about girls but I'm going to be lying to her.

Sasha's P.O.V
"He likes girls that are wear a lot of make up , and girls who are clumsy , and girls that talk back " Joey said

"Are you sure because mark told me he hates girls like that" I said looking confused

"Don't trust Mark he's lying to you" he said

"Wait a sec , I thought you hate me ?" I said

Bell rings

"Gotta go to my next period bye " he said walking away without answering my question

It was lunch so me and my friends all went to our table and started eating .

"Omg Sasha, Charles and his friends are coming fix urself, push your boobs up , here you need perfume " Chloe said spraying me with perfume

"Ughh Chloe that went in my mouth " I said

" hey guys" mark said as he came close to Chloe and sat next to her .

"Hey" we all said

I tried to remember what joey said to me and Charles came my way

"Hey Sasha " Charles said smiling

"Hi Charles " I said as I dropped my salad purposely so he thinks I'm clumsy

Aaron sat next to Laila , Joey sat next to Natalia , mark sat next to Chloe , and Charles sat next to me .

"Oh no " I said looking down at my salad
Charles lifted my chin and was staring deep into my eyes and said " your so adorable " he said bitting his lip

I blushed and everyone else started saying " aww" which made me blush even more I look at joey and he looked mad . Joey got up and left and I went after him

"Hey Joey what's wrong " I said running after him

"Stay away from me " he said slowing down

"What why " I said

Joey turned around and punched me in the stomach and said " you ugly fag" and then he went away .

I fell down and started crying and everyone started running to me

"what's wrong" Charles said giving me a hand

"Joey just punched me" I said as I went into Charles arms

"What the heck , why" Chloe asked confused

"I don't know " I said as I snuggled into Charles chest

The bell rang and I went to class and asked the teacher if I can go to the bathroom . I went to the bathroom and lifted my shirt to see if I had any bruises . I lifted my shirt and saw a really big bruise , some girl came out the bathroom stall and said " that must really hurt " I turn around to see who it was , it was Emily 🙄.

"Ya it hurt a lot " I said as I put my shirt down

"Who did you smash?" She said

Ahah she thought I had sex with someone
" no one , I fell " I said lying

" okay ahaha tootles " she said

I rolled my eyes and left I went to class

•1 hour later•
The bell rang and I ran out of class to go see all my other friends . We always meet up by Chloe's locker after school because everyone hangs around there .

"Hey Chloe " I said leaning back on the locker next to hers

"Hey Sasha you okay" Chloe asked

"I guess " I said

"Why did he even do that " she asked

"I don't know " I said

"HEYY SASHA" Laila yelled

"Hey Laila , what's up " I asked

"Ahhhh Aaron just asked me out " she said
jumping up and down

" omg congrats " I say

" ahhhh my best friend got a boy friend " Chloe said as she slammed her locker . We all started walking to were the group of all popular kids hang out .

"Hey Sasha , hold up " some guy said

I turn around to see that it's Charles .

"Hey Sasha " he said as he put his arms around me smiling

"Hey Charles " I said laughing

"Ughh just ask her out already" Chloe said
My face turned bright red , Charles just laughed .

I said bye to all my friend and started walking home . I see joey and mark .

"Hey Joey why are you mad at me" I asked him
Joey turned around and ran to me pushed me the ground which made all my books fall out my hand . Mark joined in and started kicking .

"Stop that hurts " I said trying to stop them

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU GUYS DOING" I heard someone say . Mark and Joey ran away I turn to see who it was . It was .....

Sorry for the cliffhanger !! VOTE/ LIKED THIS CHAPTER PLZ 💜💜💜💜


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